Help, wanting to leave job within 6 month of hire

Nurses Career Support


Hello all,

so I started a new job 6 months ago in a pediatric ICU and CVICU, which I enjoyed for about 3 weeks. However I quickly realized this was not the place for me, actually to be frank about the situation I absolutely hate it. I am not a new grad by the way. The attitude and the behavior of staff nurses on the unit is ridiculous. I seriously cry coming into work and I am sooooo depressed ever since I started here. I also worked with peds in the past on med surg and loved my job, but I know that I always wanted and still do ICU. Anyway I really always wanted the NICU, rather then the PICU/CVICU, but took it for the critical care experience. like I said I hate this place my life is miserable and I have never hated a job or the people I work with this much in my life. They are negative and talk about all the new people as we can all hear it. Anyway yesterday I was offered a NICU position at my previous hospital, and I really want to take it sooooo badly, but I am terrified of how this will look with my current job. I know that I will never want to work at this hospital again because the problem isn't just the ICU it's the hospital, my friends works on peds med/surg and she is also very depressed and trying to find new employment, Except she is a new grad. What do you all think I should do?? And if I take the NICU position I know I will be there for ever because it's my dream job, but how should I quit without burning any bridges. The nursing world as we know is small as in people know each other and I would hate to ruin my reputation.


Thank you to everyone who replied, I appreciate the input. With that being said, I accepted the NICU position and I am very excited!!!

I was in a very similar situation recently. I wanted to branch out in my nursing career by going from med/surg to critical care. I figured it would be great experience and look good on my resume. At first, I enjoyed learning new things and the staff that I worked wiith were actually very helpful and supportive. However, within a few months, I knew that critical care was not for me. I tried to stick it out as long a possible but believe me, I was miserable and stressed. By the grace of God I ended up landing a job in a field that I enjoyed. I was honest with my manager and told her that this job was not for me and I needed to do what is best for me. If you try to force yourself to stay at this job, you will end up cheating yourself in the end. Go with your heart. Do what's best for you!!

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