Published Oct 30, 2010
9 Posts
hi, i am thinking about transfer(endorse) my ca rn license to texas license. i read an instraction how to transfer but i have couple questions about the prosess. if somebody had a experience or prosessing, please help me.
i , GC holder,am a foreign educated nurse and also have foreign registered nursing license. according to texas bon, i also have to submit a verification of license from my county but i am no sure which form i have to sent to my bon in my county. same verification form i use in state or my county bon can directly sent any form which says they veryfy my name, license number. issue date with seal (verification form we use in my country), written by english? if you have any idea or info, please let me know. thank you for your time to read my post.
2,642 Posts
hi, i am thinking about transfer(endorse) my ca rn license to texas license. i read an instraction how to transfer but i have couple questions about the prosess. if somebody had a experience or prosessing, please help me.i , GC holder,am a foreign educated nurse and also have foreign registered nursing license. according to texas bon, i also have to submit a verification of license from my county but i am no sure which form i have to sent to my bon in my county. same verification form i use in state or my county bon can directly sent any form which says they veryfy my name, license number. issue date with seal (verification form we use in my country), written by english? if you have any idea or info, please let me know. thank you for your time to read my post.
I have to say, your post is very difficult to understand. I think you're asking what you need to submit to Texas to verify your foreign nursing license?
If so, your best bet is to call the Texas Board of Nursing (BON) and ask them exactly what they need. No matter what anyone says here, all that ultimately matters is what the Texas BON says they need.
1,547 Posts
check this website from the texas bon regarding endorsing you license there:
endorsement applications
there is also a number there you can call to ask for specific questions.
good luck,
angel, rn
thank you CuriousMe and aqldragonRN. sorry my post was not good enough:smackingf
i will contact Texas BON by call or mail. thank you again.
1 Post
You have to call the board of nursing of the state and ask them about the process. To be specific ask them about the different credential evaluation options and try calling them. For example minnesota boards of nursing uses the comission on foriegn graduate nurses (cgfns) to evaluate foriegn eduacated nurses. They request for a course-by-course report. unlike minnesota, the kentucky board use the same evaluatin service, but they will ask you to do the visa screen.This evaluation is done to know if your degree is equivalent to or meet their standards. The transcript from your school and all secondary documents must come directly from your university or high school. You cannot mail it from within the united states. Some states may request you to take a test of english as a second language(toefl) depending on your country of origin. Make sure you ask the board of nursing which credential evaluating service they prefer and dig your pockets. good luck.
thank you thelmahney.
i am green card holder so i don't need a visa screen. far as i understand, i don't need a CES. according to TX BON, they say " if you have a nursing licnese from a county other than united state,you must request a verification of license from that state,country, province or territor. verification must come directry from the licensing authority. we will also accept a license verification contained a CES......" so my qustion is what kind of form i can use to verify my license from my country. the form texas bon provide or just verification form my county use?
well i need contact texas bon. thank you again.
Silverdragon102, BSN
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Generally if foreign trained CES or some other form is required as it verifies that your nurse training meets the state requirements.
Definitely check with the BON and find out clearly what they require