Help! Should I apply for Columbus IVY Tech RN courses or should I take the LPN


I have been accepted into the Lawrence IVY Tech LPN program and was rejected from the RN program. I have 3 As and 1 B and an 84% on TEAS. I do not know whether I should reapply for the Columbus IVY Tech because I know there it is not as competitive and they are nicer. Or Should I take the LPN course and then transfer from LPN to RN. I do not know how competitive nor do I know how to apply for the LPN to RN course. HELP!!

it would depend on your circumstances. the thing to think about is if you accept the lpn, you'll start in january of 09 and be done next december. then you can go to work and apply for the lpn to asn. if you reapply for rn, then you won't start till next august and you won't be done for two years after that.

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