HELP! powerpoint project...

Nursing Students Student Assist


Hey guys!

I am doing a powerpoint for class about young adults and health care. What we need to know if a young adult(18-25) is a patient???

Any help would be appreciated! :bowingpur

thank you!

What kinda help do u need?? if u like i can send u an example of one of my powerpoint presentations

I just need help with the question about what we need to know if a young adult (18-25) is a patient...

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

I am trying to understand your question. Anyone can be a patient. Are you trying to classify what a young adult is in terms of age?

I guess i should be more specific...

everyone got different groups such as americans, hispanics, 40+, 18-25, 30s. mine is the 18-25 age group and we are to do a little presentation about the 18-25 and healthcare. one of my questions is what we need to know when a nurse has a patient that is 18-25(like anything specific)... and i was wondering if any one can think of anything that would be more specific to that age group, bc i really couldnt think of much. For example, they are at the age where they are seperated from their parents and want to be treated as an adult....

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

the first thing i think you need to do is consider erikson's developmental stages: for the young adult it is intimacy vs isolation where the young adult learns to make personal commitments to another such as spouse, parent or partner. you might want to look up more about this particular stage of erickson's in a human growth textbook to get more information about it.

also, on the different pediatric weblinks of this sticky thread ( you will find developmental milestones. while most of the developmental milestones are for childhood ages, they may also include the 18-25 age group as well on some of those web sites. you should at least check.

thank you! ill start there!

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