Published Mar 5, 2014
14 Posts
Hello everyone! I ran across this site trying to get some tips for the hesi entrance exam. I am currently attending Temple College located in Temple Texas. I will be taking the exam March 24th, but I am really nervous. I purchased the study guide and I also have been using other websites to prepare. Can someone give me their insight on what it is I should I look out for (study more). My school tests you on math, reading, and vocabulary. The higher my score is the better my chances are of course. I appreciate everyone's help in advance!!
WookieeRN, BSN, MSN, RN
1,050 Posts
Have you taken any practice tests yet? That should be able to give you a good jumping off point on what you need to work on. It was really helpful for me on my math to figure out what really needed work. I take my test on March 18th, so I'm really excited/nervous.
55 Posts
When you take it, keep in mind that you probably have A LOT of time. I was allotted 4 hours for the 3 core sections, plus A&P and chemistry. I was nervous about the time and blazed through it in 2 hours. I did fine, but felt foolish for ripping through it.
If you feel you are weak in math, run through the math problems in the book and get in the habit of being able to check your answers yourself (work the problem backwards, ect) If you need to work on vocab, there are great apps for your phone that will quiz you. When you run across a word you don't know, write it down so you remember it. I have random sticky notes and old envelopes covered in vocab.
I think you'll be fine. Keep in mind the math and vocab and reading sections are pretty much general knowledge, so it's not really the kind of thing you can cram for anyway. Best of luck!
90 Posts
Quizlet has some great Vocab flash cards. When I was studying I googled some crossword puzzles to help with vocab. I also googled some extra practice for math! GOOD LUCK!
Yes I have taken the practice hesi and I also bought some study material. I originally only had the Hesi Admission assessment Review 3rd Edition, but after reading a lot of post I recently just purchased The McGraw Hill study guide as well. I really want to get, I'm already driving to another city for school because in my city they're not accepting anymore applicants until 2015!! Then on the other hand my current school that I am attending only takes about 60 students per program, but I was told around 300 students applied! I really hope I do well on the Hesi. I have completed all the pre-requisites plus some for the degree, I only have micro-biology left, so acing this is all I need. I appreciate everyone's advice and time. Good Luck on your exams as well!!!