Published Oct 26, 2009
3 Posts
Hello all,
I have been "volunteered to write nursing policy and procedure for an Imaging Center. I have never done this and have no idea where to start! I am unable to refuse to do this (politics shouldn't have any place in a hospital) and could use all the help and advice I could get. If anyone is interested in sharing I would really appreciate it.
Thank you, Becky
First identify each modality in which the nursing staff functions at your facility. My nursing P&P manual covers our responsibilities in CT, MRI, Nuc. Med., an XR. Under each area, I have all the procedures that nursing is involved in; describe the purpose & objective, nsg qualifications (if any, such as certification for giving moderate sedation, ACLS, EKG interpretation etc.), list equipment and supplies needed for each, then give step by step instructions of the procedure as it is performed.
Delegate some of the tasks by assigning a nurse to outline a procedure while he/she is doing it. If you make pre or post procedure calls to patients, develop forms that identify information that needs to be covered and include that with your procedure (the same information will be given by all your staff and nothing will be omitted).
I included all the nursing forms with each procedure and explainations of what documentation is required. I have documentation instructions and pt. discharge instruction forms for contrast reaction and extravasation (others are post sedation, post VCUG, myelogram and LP procedures etc.)
Include code (resuscitation) precdures and forms, who is to be notified, etc. Have a signature page for a radiologist to review and approve the P & P manual(I also have the radiologist sign each procedure that has standing orders i.e. aminophyllin to reverse symptomatic patient after an adenosine stress test)
Hope this helps
Yes, it does! And thank you very much!!
4 Posts
becky: email me with what you need specifically in the way of policies. i will be happy to share via email or fax what i have written.
mod note, please do not post email addresses as per terms of service. once you have 15 or more posts you can swap email addresses via the pm system
Thanks alot! I will do that after these Christmas holidays are over so that you can enjoy them and not have to do that too!
Will get with you soon and thank you again so much!
Have a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy and Prosperous New Year!