Help with Patho of BUN and Creatinine in CHF

Nursing Students General Students


I'm not understanding how, in my lab book, BUN is said to be increased in CHF while creatinine levels would be decreased (due to decreased Cardiac Output resulting in decreased GFR). Can someone explain both to me. Thanks in advance!

I believe that BUN levels would be increased during CHF because during CHF, bloodflow to the kidneys is reduced and therefore making BUN high. I am not sure about the creatine though...

Specializes in Nursing Education.

That's a great question!! I'm a big nerd, but I get excited when nursing students ask questions that show they are thinking about the 'why' and not just trying to memorize the what.

In order to answer this question, think about HOW the creatinine test is done. There are 2 ways: blood test, or urine. Since you stated that it's related to GFR, then that makes me think you are talking about the urine version, which is the Creatinine Clearance test (CrCl).

The CrCl measures how much creatinine is in a 24-hour urine sample. That result tells you what the GFR is, because it it means that the glomeruli are able to filter that much creatinine/24hrs. So if the Cardiac Output is decreased, then the GFR is decreased, which means that less creatinine is excreted into the urine. Ta-da! A decreased CrCl as a result of CHF.

Now, Creatinine tends to rise in the blood slower than BUN does, so if Creatinine is high in a blood test, then it probably indicates a chronic disease (such as in the case of CHF). But Creatinine tests and BUN are almost always interpreted in relationship to each other anyway, because each one is influenced slightly differently by different diseases.

So short answer is that serum creatinine would probably be high, but Creatinine Clearance measured in the urine would be low since the kidneys just can't get it out of the body.

Hope that helps!

Great! Thanks for clearing that up for me. I checked my lab book and it does make that distinction about creatinine clearance. Now my mind can rest easy about that :).

good explanation! =)

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