Help passing Nclex after multiple attemps


My niece is having trouble passing. She feels like she knows the info. She was a good student. She took a Kaplan review course after the first attempt. What has worked for people who have taken it multiple times (more then 2) Thanks. And good luck to all of you. :)

I also failed my first attempt after doing the Kaplan review. I used the Saunders review book for content since is a detailed book.

The second time around I passed with 75 questions. I used Saunders, LaCharity PDA, and lots of you tube and reputable sources in the internet. There are lots of free practice questions online from nurses web sites.

What happens with NCLEX is that is so tricky that makes you believe the first and second choice are the good answers, but that is usually wrong. Also makes the answers appealing that you have trouble picking just one, since all look good.

The best way to overcome this is just to continue to do practice questions from different sources to get different styles.

By the time my 2nd test was approaching, my abilities to answer got better. I was able to eliminate distractor data from the questions. I probably did 4,000 questions. I also filled out a 5 topic notebook, just taking notes on information that was new to me, or very important information. I used a calendar to keep track of my progress with percentages. I also printed a 265 blank answers test to practice for the real one in one setting several times.

She needs encouragement, positive attitude, and caring and concern relatives like you. In school we get tested on ONE topic, and SOME chapters. NCLEX is like a salad, everything goes in.

Wish her the best.


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