HELP! with orders please


This is in additions to my previous post but different set of orders in figuring out what is wrong in the set of of orders please help I need this done asap to graduate the end of this week thanks! case Ms.Keys, admitted with a diagnosis of myocardial infarction, returns from the cardiac catheterization laboratory for a stent placement. Refer to the physician's order sheet and medication profile sheet for the following. show your work where applicable. DIAGNOSIS: MI s/p stent WEIGHT: 166lb HEIGHT: 5'5" DRUG ALLERGIES: PCN Physicians Orders: 1. Transfer to CCU 2. Diet: Healthy Heart 3. Activity: BR x6h, then dangle. If no bleeding from right groin site, up ad lib 4. VS q15min x 4, q30 min x4, then every hour 5. Telemetry 6. EKG every morning x2 7. Cardiac profile q8h x2 (1800 and 0200) 8. O2L/min 9. Tylenol gr x po q4h prn headache 10. ASA 325mg po daily, start 3/5/11 11. Plavix 75mg po dialy start 3/5/11 12. Nitroglycerin drip at 10mcg/min 13. IV heparin per protocol 14. Metoprolol 12.5mg po BID Hold for SBP

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

We are happy to help with homework but need to know what you think first.

case Ms.Keys, admitted with a diagnosis of myocardial infarction, returns from the cardiac catheterization laboratory for a stent placement. Refer to the physician's order sheet and medication profile sheet for the following. show your work where applicable.

Look at the orders.....


Physicians Orders:

1. Transfer to CCU

2. Diet: Healthy Heart

3. Activity: BR x6h, then dangle. If no bleeding from right groin site, up ad lib

4. VS q15min x 4, q30 min x4, then every hour

5. Telemetry

6. EKG every morning x2

7. Cardiac profile q8h x2 (1800 and 0200)

8. O2L/min

9. Tylenol gr x po q4h prn headache

10. ASA 325mg po daily, start 3/5/11

11. Plavix 75mg po dialy start 3/5/11

12. Nitroglycerin drip at 10mcg/min

13. IV heparin per protocol

14. Metoprolol 12.5mg po BID Hold for SBP

15. Ambien 5mg po at bedtime prn sleep

16. Call for chest pain, any concerns

What do you see? What is the heparin protocol? What would the heparin dose be if the patients weight is 166lbs...

Graduating next week? Did you learn to do these in learning lab or class? What is the question you need clarified? Sorry to be so dense, but I guess (other than doing it for you, which we don't do) I don't know what you're asking.

Look at the meds. Is there anything you see that the patient should not get?

I think the OP has left the building.

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