Published Jan 14, 2010
73 Posts
I am a new graduate going to start my first RN job on the 25th.
I am also a breastfeeding mother of a 6.5 month old boy.
How in the world am I suppose to broach the subject of breastfeeding while doing my orientation and then my shift duties?
Do I do it with hr first and then the unit manger?
Do I just take it upon myself and go do it in the bathroom?
I didn't say anything at the interview because I wanted the job of course (NEEDED the job) and we all know how hard it is for new grads so I really have no clue what to do or how to approach the topic.
Please any suggestions would be greatly appreciated because I am really worried...
I a very committed to breastfeeding and I don't think its fair as nurses encouraging moms to do whats right for them in regards to breast milk or formula that I have to give up my choice to breastfeed even as a new grad....
on the other hand I need this job
Please help, advice... anything:crying2:
BrnEyedGirl, BSN, MSN, RN, APRN
1,236 Posts
I applaud your decision to breastfeed! I went back to work at 3mo and continued to breastfeed for a year. I was lucky enough at first that we lived close and I worked nights so my husband would just bring my daughter to me. Later I would just take my break and pump,.no big deal. I work with three new Moms that are breastfeeding now,...they just sneak off when they can,.it really isn't an issue. Best of luck to you!
Mike A. Fungin RN
457 Posts
What is it you want to do exactly? You weren't entirely clear on that point, and the way things are written it sounds like you want to be able to do some breastfeeding while you're at work. Otherwise... why would it be an issue?
1,361 Posts
We've had several nurses who successfully breast feed. They bring their pump to work and take their lunch with them as use their lunch break for both. Good luck
443 Posts
Nurses are mostly women and many have had their own children. Your supervisor will likely be understanding. I wouldn't bother going to HR about it unless you have trouble getting permission to take a break to pump your milk.
CoffeeRTC, BSN, RN
3,734 Posts
Some places are more friendly to nursing moms than others and some places are very faced paced that it is often difficult to get a break when you need it the most (ready to explode) THis is prob the gist of the question. That and actually getting a place that is appropriate for pumping (not a bathroom....yuck)
I bet this was the gist of the question??
Are you doing 8 or 12 hr shifts? This will affect the amt of pumping sessions you will need/ want. I Just mention that you will need to take the breaks and where is the best place for it. As a PP stated...alot of nurses are women and I bet many have breast fed babies before.
Well my question is because I am a new grad is how do I, as low man on the totem pole, say I need to breastfeed while going through orientation and then shift duties.
I don't know how the floor is...face paced or not... though I think it will be and while on orientation: classroom time for the first week and then 8hr shifts 5days a week for a few months (I think)then night 3days a week 12hr shifts. I won't know anyone there to simply ask hey could you cover my pts (1:7 ratio telemetry) and I don't know if they are a BF friendly facility or not though they seem like they would be... I just don't want to start off this job seeming needy and demanding. I am always willing to help others, my fellow RN's and go that extra mile but as a new grad this may seem just that... needy and demanding
RN <><
87 Posts
Congratulations to you in regards to the new addition to your family....what a Blessing. You are giving your baby a gift (which you already know). I wish I would have done that with my son, I was not taught the importance of breast milk and so I took a little pill to dry it up (which I think is no longer available). Many Blessings to you and your baby.
42 Posts
I'm not making a direct comparison here so, please, no one freak out.
If you had any other biological imperative, such as needing to use the restroom or a bout of nausea, would you ask permission to take a break? Even the most intrinsically bold among us were timid (or at least subdued) when they first became nurses, but the hospital is not kindergarten. If you need to take a break, for whatever reason, you don't need to beg permission. During your orientation, just tell your preceptor that you are going to take a break and arrange a time to go (you can tell her why if you feel comfortable). When you're on your own, just tell another nurse. Try to arrange a good time to take a break with the other nurses on your unit, but, if a break is imperative, do what you need to do. Most nurses will understand!
Good luck in your new position:)