Help!!!!! Need Your Opinions Please...



.... My situation is: I will be applying to the ADN program at my CC this fall as well as joining a 12 month LVN program (in case I haven't been accepted to the ADN program since it's a long wait and there's a lottery, etc.) and well my councelor told me that I can apply to the R.T. program this semester since the pre-reqs for the RN program is the same as the RT program but with fewer requirements and said that a lot of the pre-nursing students are also applying to that program because it is easier to get in and faster. My sister is also telling me to just do the RT program since I have 2 children to take care of and my own family. But the thing is, I have only been working on becoming a nurse, nothing else, because that's what I always wanted to be. I want to do more than just respiratory. However, it is good to know that I have a back up. But should I still appy to the program anyway? :confused: or just stick to my original plan on finishing the LVN then dong the LVN-RN bridge program at that same private school (which will be offering it next year 2007)

I have gotten a lot of good insights from people here saying that doing the LVN program is a good idea, it will give me a foot in the door, give me a lot of experience already as a nurse, reasonable pay, educational reimbursment, etc. etc. and a lot of LVN-RN bridge programs (some with NO waits, like at the private school I will be attending) What would you do if you were in my shoes? and are there such things as a RT to RN bridge program?

Please, I need your opinions.... thanks!!!!!

Specializes in Med/Surg, Ortho.

There are a lot of cardiopulmonary departments that hire LPNs anyway. So you could get the LPN, work in a cardiopulmonary department in a hospital while you are going back for the LPN-RN bridge.

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