Help Help Help!!!!! I have to pick this week!


I need some advice asap!

Background on me... I graduated last December, worked for 6 months in LTC, and now work as an independent contractor doing flu shot clinics on a random schedule. LTC turned out to be a business (residents=$) so I left. The flu shot gig is great pay, but very random. And the job market for new grads in the hospital is non-existant... So finding a steady job is proving difficult.

Last week Wednesday, I had an initial interview with the American Red Cross and, on Friday, I had an initial interview with the Oregon state prison. Today I had the second/final interview with the Red Cross and they offered me the job. The job starts this coming Monday and you cannot miss a single day for the first 12 weeks. I won't know until the end of this week if I will get a second interview with the prison. If I do get a 2nd interview with the prisons, it would be sometime next week.

I like the red cross and their mission, they are close to my house, but the pay is really low. But the prison is much higher pay, better experience, and state benefits, but getting the job is not guaranteed with getting the second interview.

So... if I get the 2nd interview offer, do I give up the red cross job on the chance of possibly getting the prisons job???

I have no idea what to do and could really use some advice!

Specializes in ER, ICU.

Take the job that was offered, but see if you can push the start date off for a week or two (you can only ask, they won't fire you for that). If you get a second interview at prisons explain the situation and ask for a time that you can attend, perhaps in the evening. At least see if they will give you a time first thing in the morning. Call in late to Red Cross for "car trouble" or sick kid or something and roll the dice. I know this sounds unethical but you must do what to have to do in a difficult and competitive job market. I don't see employers being loyal these days and we must look out for ourselves. You could play it safe and apply again for prisons in the future after some experience with Red Cross. (This policy of can't miss a day sounds fishy. Is this legal? I don't know but is worth asking anyway. So they will give you up after 2.5 months if you sprain your ankle or something?)

Specializes in ER.

Personally, I would take the job at Red Cross ONLY...

If they are willing to change the start day. I would just explain that I am excited to work for them, however, I am committed to finish my last flu clinic on such and such a date, and would be able to start after that.

Be firm, it is unlikely that most people would be able to start in 6 days -even if they decided to pass you up for the next person in line. It simply isn't realistic.

Then take the next 3 weeks to see if the prison job sounds like a go!

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