Published Jul 25, 2006
17 Posts
hi all, i sure could use your help. i am the class president for our soon to be graduate lpn class (august 31st to be exact). i am in a bit of a dilemma. when i was told by our don that i needed to organize graduation and such i was really taken aback when i saw the laundry list of things i needed to do and make decisions about. so i created a committee and am trying to get things decided, but i run into the problem where it's hard to get everyone together to meet and make decisions. we aren't doing anything special because of the lack of participation that most of the class displays. quite a bummer for those of us who really want the "whole nine yards". :balloons: what i am in desperate need of is a recommendation for a place to purchase caps and gowns. i wasn't impressed with jolston because they won't quote you over the internet. i also don't want a completely see through robe (because we are wearing white robes and the class before us had very thin robes that were flimsy and see through)- very tacky!!! so if anyone has any websites or suggestions for me please let me know. we are starting to hit the critical hour now. oh yeah, not to sound stupid but what is with the candle thing i saw on another thread???
8,343 Posts
Our class was given the option of black gown with mortar board or white uniform with nurses cap. We went white with traditional cap. The males in my class had us all autograph there caps as mememtos.
Our school organized the flowers. Each of us were handed a pink rose with our diploma. They also arranged to have a photographer take a class picture.
The school also organized a coffee & cake type social afterwards.
Everything else (ie dance, etc) was up to us to organize and honestly we were too diverse a group to have everyone attend the same event.
Good luck, you've got a thankless job.
Our class was given the option of black gown with mortar board or white uniform with nurses cap. We went white with traditional cap. The males in my class had us all autograph there caps as mememtos.Our school organized the flowers. Each of us were handed a pink rose with our diploma. They also arranged to have a photographer take a class picture.The school also organized a coffee & cake type social afterwards.Everything else (ie dance, etc) was up to us to organize and honestly we were too diverse a group to have everyone attend the same event.Good luck, you've got a thankless job.
Isn't that the truth (the thankless part)!!! I love the flower idea though! I will have to bring that up at my "must attend" meeting on friday. Thank you!!
198 Posts
My class had the candles at our graduation. We were handed a rolled up paper tied like a diploma and a lamp of knowledge. It looked like a old oil lamp that had a candle in it. Our spirit of nursing winner lite their candle from a large candle that was on stage then we all passed the flame to light every ones lamps. While all were lit we turned down the lights and said the nursing pledge. It was a relatively low cost ceremony due to low intrest in out class. The school paid for the lamps and everyone in the class donated 20.00 for decorations. Instead of caps and gowns we all wore white dressy nursing scrubs. The only rules were they had to be all white and tops had to have collars and pants could not have ties hanging down. Or we could wear nursing dresses it was out choice.