Published Jan 5, 2009
9 Posts
I was originally sent a letter stating that I was "unselected" for the Spring '09 semester. I then received a letter stating that my status had been upgraded from "unselected" to "alternate". :yeah:I went to take my TEAS test and I passed. I found out that I was the #6 alternate. I talked to the lady that proctors the test and she said that they would let us know before going on Christmas break. Well, as of today 1/4/09 I haven't heard anything from them, so I am assuming that I did not get in. My question is does anyone know: If I am the #6 alternate am I guarenteed a spot in the next semester? Or do I get put back in the lottery for the next drawing? I have tried calling, emailing etc...and no body knows? You would think after doing this for umpteen years that they would know what they do with the alternates. Does anyone out there know????
121 Posts
I'm not sure about how they handle the alternates, but if I were you i would call and speak to the Nursing secretary, she's very helpful. Maybe she can assist you better than one of those clerks that just answers the phone. The lady that was giving the TEAS test didn't seem to be to helpful, I was confused about the test and asked her a question and she didn't know anything beyond the Teas test. So for information relating to the Nursing program ask the Nursing Secretary...Good Luck!
I emailed that lady and also left her a voicemail, but did not get any response. Maybe she was busy tring to tie up loose ends before going on Christmas break. I don't know, I will try contacting her again. I know at West Hills Lemoore the alternates are guarenteed a spot for the next semester, hopefully FCC does it the same. We will see. Thanks sooo much.
Just an FYI, you can check on WebAdvisor and see if they regestered you for any classes. I was signing up for Spring class and low and behold they had signed my up without even telling me. So check that to see if you are in any RN classes.
Let me know if so
1 Post
which study did u use to pass the teas test?
38,333 Posts
Look for TEAS study guides first at the school for which you are testing.