Published Jun 11, 2010
77 Posts
Hi ! I have an upcoming appointment with NYU HJD and was told to take a pharmacology test. Has anyone taken this before? Can you please tell me what it will consist of? Was it hard? and also, what will they ask on the interview ?
This is my first RN job and i'm very nervous... please help.
56 Posts
Hi! So did you take the test? How was it?
9 Posts
Hi mochamocha,
I know this post is a few months old but I was wondering if you ever did get the job at HJD?
I went to a career fair recently and the recruiter asked me to contact her in the next month to schedule my pharmacology exam. From what I hear, usually candidates have their interviews first, and if that goes well, a pharmacology test is given and must be passed in order to start work. I'm just not sure if her asking me to take a pharm test is a positive sign. If I pass the test, does that mean I'll get the job? or I'll just move on to the interview process, since I haven't had one yet. I only spoke with her briefly at the career fair and I think I made a good impression.
Did you pass the pharm test? Were you interviewed before or after your test? I hope that you can answer my questions...I'm just really nervous about this because I'm a new grad looking since March, and still questioning if I should be excited about this opportunity. In the past, I've sort of been "led on" to believe I'll get a certain job or at least an interview only to be let down.
I would greatly appreciate any feedback on this. Thanks mochamocha.
JeanettePNP, MSN, RN, NP
1 Article; 1,863 Posts
Bluemonday, what did you say to her specifically that made her offer you to take the exam? I was at the job fair and nobody expressed interest at all beyond "I'll take your resume and let you know what comes up." I'm trying to figure out what's the right button to push that will open some kind of door at a career fair.
1 Post
I am in the very same position you are in. I am also wondering about the exam and what sort of chances I have of getting a job at this facility. How are you targeting your studying for the Pharm exam. I feel overwhelmed by the broadness of the exam and all the information there could be to know for it.
Any advice you may have I would love to hear.
Also if anyone has taken it yet or gone through this process, please give some feedback or advice.
I pretty much received the same response from everyone as well, but when I was at HJD table, I was asking questions to a woman at the table who was unable to answer them, but told me I should speak to the recruiter, who was sitting down speaking with other individuals. I noticed the recruiter was actually looking at people's resumes, so when I stopped by, I gave her a quick introduction (Bachelor's in Nursing, an additional Bachelors, etc, etc) and proceeded to hand her my cover letter/resume. I also did some research and found out her name in advance, and wrote the cover letter addressed to her. She seemed impressed that I already knew her name. She then briefly looked over my cover letter and seemed impressed with that, asking me about my study abroad in Africa. We chatted for a bit and that's when she pulled out her business card and asked me to contact her in November to take a Pharm test. I don't know if she does this normally or only specific candidates. I imagine it's a good sign. Anyway, I emailed her a thank you letter a few hours after the career fair, and that was that. I do not know if she read it, as she did not reply. Anyway, I hope that helps. If you ever know the name of a recruiter in advance, I suggest you write a cover letter addressed to the individual. It never hurts, even if in the end, it gets you nowhere. Most of the people at the career fair were new graduates, so there's just little luck for us out there. Anyway, I wish you luck...believe me, I know it's tough, I've been looking since March, and I graduated Dec 09. I just interviewed at another hospital a few days ago, and have to go in for a second interview soon. *crossing my fingers* I'm ready to end my job search already!
So did something similar happen to you at the career fair as well? Did you get to speak with the recruiter directly?
I think if you do well on the Pharm exam, you will continue onto the interview process. I find it a bit strange as it is usually the other way around...interview, then pharm test, so it baffled me a bit. Anyway, I have not taken the exam, as I've yet to contact the recruiter. She told me contact her at the end on November and we aren't quite there yet. If I do get this other job (which I just interviewed for on Mon - see above), I won't be contacting her at all. To be honest, I have not been studying, but if you have notes or index cards from your Pharm class, I would definitely review those. That's what I would do. Also, if you find that there are drugs more commonly used among orthopedic / rheumatology patients, I would focus on those as well. As far as increasing your chances at getting into that facility, I don't have any information on that, but no matter what, just show a strong interest in orthopedics (don't just say you love it, make sure to have a good reason to back it up), and study your butt off for that pharm exam!! Also, if you get as far as an interview, don't forget how important it is to prepare for that, it truly makes a difference in how comfortable you are during the interview. I really think I'm terrible at interviews, I get nightmares and anxiety days before the interview! Always practice behaviors questions - they love those as much as we hate them!! I was asked a question about conflict on my recent interview and I froze for a second because I didn't prepare an answer to that question. Ok..I'm rambling now. Good luck on your test! Do you have a scheduled date yet?
So did any of you individuals actually do the pharm test? If so, what was it like. I understand it's 62 questions and somehow I don't think it's all dosage calculations
Anyone took the pharm exam yet? Just don't know what to expect. I do appreciate any info
Hi everyone. I was looking for a post that discussed the interview process at NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases. I just passed my boards in July and have an interview scheduled here. Can anyone give me some information on how the pharmacology exam and over all interview process went. (this is for the nurse residency program) Your help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!!
FreestylePete, BSN, RN
67 Posts
What is this test like? I am taking it on Thursday. Please help.
21 Posts
Hi Freestyle,How did it go?