Published Sep 20, 2011
13 Posts
Case Study
Carla Dillon is a 70 year old frail Caucasian female with a 5 day history of intractable vomiting, fever ranging between 101-102 F, and non-specific back pain. Over the past 2 days, she has had 5 liquid stools per day and can not tolerate a regular diet.
Chief Complaint: "I ache all over and can't seem to keep any food down. I can't afford to lose any weight."
Abnormal Lab Values report:
CBC with Diff
WBC: 22,000 (H) RBC: 6.1 (H)
Lymphocytes: 67 (H) HCT: 55% (H)
Hgb: 18 (H)
Na: 133 (L) BUN: 22 (H)
CO2: 12 (L) Creat: 27 (H)
Glucose: 52 (L)
Color: dark amber Culture: pending
Specific gravity: 1.035 (H) pH: 8.5 (H)
Stool: pending
Blood: pending
Admitting Orders:
Admitting Dx: Dehydration 5%, Fever
Diet: Clear liquid, advance as tolerated
Vital Signs every 4 hours
Strict I&O's
IVF: D5LR to run at 100 mL/hr
Lopressor: 100 mg PO once a day MVI: 1 tab PO once a day
Tylenol PRN for temperature over 101
Admitting Assessment:
General Survey: Frail 5 ft tall, 100 lb elderly female. Presented to ER and arrive to floor alone with an emesis basin. Face pale in color. Currently, shivering uncontrollably.
Vital Signs: Temp: 102 F (oral), Pulse: 128 (bounding, regular), Resp: 30, BP: 98/52, O2 sat: 96% on RA, Pain Scale 2/10
Skin: Face pale. Warm, flushed with decreased turgor.
Neuro: EOM's sluggish
Thorax: Apical pulse 120 strong, regular. Respirations 30 equal chest rises, labored with slight use of accessory muscles
Abd: tender to touch with hyperactive bowel sounds. Last bowel movement in ER; loose to watery brown with foul odor
GU: No discharge or odor noted. Last void in ED of 100 ml of urine
Extremities: Ambulates with walker.
Psychosocial: Retired school teacher. Husband died last year. Son lives out of state. Lives alone in retired community, but has many friends and is active within her community.
1 Article; 6,683 Posts
Tell us a little bit about what you've done and what you need help with. If you need nursing diagnoses for a care plan, there are a couple that should jump out right away. Do you have any ideas? People will help you from there.
849 Posts
I'm sure it isn't, but I hope that isn't the patient's real name.
Yes I came up with 20 options for a Diagnosis.
And no it's not a real pt or their real name.
Ive written down all of those Dx already.
I just need to know how to word it in the care plan.
Then I have to narrow the Dx to the top 2 most important Dx.
I would think the top 2 would be Nutrient: less than body requirement, imbalanced and Fluid Volume, Deficeit.
This is all of the Dx I came up with.
Can you tell me the top 2 you think would be relavent for this patient?
Nursing Diagnosis
If you guys could help me Id greatly appreciate it!