Hello :)

Nursing Students General Students


I have been interspersing comments in the various forums for the past week or so, but wanted to formally say hello to everyone. :) I have been working on pre-reqs probably for the past 4 years (don't gasp; between personally issues, financial problems, and recently a new baby it has taken me a while to get things done:o ) and I'm finally ready to start my "real" nursing classes. My husband, though supportive of my dream to be a nurse, really is one of those "I don't see why you have to work" kind of guys. When I had my son last month, I got a mental kick start to go back to school, and when I stumbled over this BB I got excited to find a "support group." :) I hope to get to know you all as we all go through our classes. It's so nice to have people to lean on, celebrate achievements with, gripe with, cry on, etc.

Ok I have rambled on long enough...thanks for bearing with my pratter. :D



Specializes in Adult Med-Surg, Rehab, and Ambulatory Care.

Thank you all for the welcome! :)

Hi Maire,

Welcome to the board...I know that you'll love it here. Congrats on the birth of your new baby. I am 29, married and a mother to 3 children. 2 dd's who are 7 and 6 and a 15 mth. old son. So I'm pretty busy. This semester I'm taking 2 pre-req's Anatomy & Physiology and Chemistry 101...I'm hoping to get into the Fall 2002 program. Hope to post to you soon.


"RN 2B in 2004"

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