Published May 2, 2006
124 Posts
Hi all
I am a mature nurse going to L.A with my husband & daughter (at some time in the near or distant future:uhoh3: )
I can't beleive I have not found this site sooner. I have spent most of last evening and this morning looking through postings & what a great help and support it is to know there are so many of you who have been through the NCLEX and immigration process. I got my approval notice 11th April 06, I beleive I am now waiting for a form that I have to send back with my agents name on before I get PK 3, can anyone offer their waiting time for this form & then the PK 3?. It's so hard to know at what point I should put my house on the market, I would like to get the sale completed as near to the interview date as possible. I'm sure you know what it's like this dreadfull waiting game we play during this process, any droplet of information is like receiving a gift :biggringi Many thanks Jackie
madwife2002, BSN, RN
26 Articles; 4,777 Posts
Welcome to all nurses it is very difficult to estimate how long before you get packet 3, but from the stage you are at and until you get packet 4 could be as long as another 7 months. I would expect to be on your way around november/december time. There is a thread where this is posted I will try and find it for and give you a link. My approval was last April and I moved here on the 1st dec, the interview was middle of november. My emigration process was text book and went smoothly. That's where it ended smoothly for me lol.
Good luck it goes quickley, How is the housing market in the Uk at the moment?
I put my house on the market in aug and it sold straight away but the buyers let us live in the house til we moved so we were lucky. The house is a difficult one. What do others on here suggest?
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
welcome to
which part of california are you moving to?
are you doing things as a direct hire or thru an agency? packet 3 will not arrive until after the visa bill is paid, and if agency, can be months.
Thanks madwife for directing me to this thread, it's been helpfull.
I started my process on my own,
Filed with CAbon Aug 2004
Had TTA for NCLEX Feb 2005
I delayed sitting as I didn't feel I was ready and eventualy sat the NCLEX in London Aug 2005 & passed 1st time @75. (So I guess I could have done it sooner, lack of confidence)
It was at this point I contacted an agent as I thought filing with CGFNS and submitting the I-140 would be to complicated by myself. I had already met with agents and looked at hospitals when I was in CA back in Aug 2004.
I chose a local Californian agent (Pacifichealth) there are only a small agency, family run, I always talk to the same people & they are very helpful.
Anyway, they filed with CGFNS Oct 2005, got my certificate Jan 2006, after lots of problems with my transcripts:banghead:
My I-140 receipt date was Oct 2005 filed in California, in March 2006 my file was sent to Texas I was told it was due to long delays in CA processing.
April 2006 approval notice received.
And thats me so far, sitting here waiting patiently--:lol_hittiwhile going mad, for my pack 3.
The average house sale is around 4 months if all goes well, but if we end up with somone in a chain it could take ages and as we have a family size home it probably won't be first time buyers. We could stay with my dad for a while if need be, but to long with him might send me bonkers. Getting the timing right is the bigest headache of all. Trying to plan the logistics is almost as mind blowing as the NCLEX study.