Hello Everyone!


Hi there! I'm CM and I live in Upstate SC, after moving here from Coastal Georgia about 6 months ago. I'm currently a sahm - I'm a trauma/neuro trauma nurse but have to drive about 45 mins to do the kind of nursing I love to do, so I've decided it's time to make a few changes in my career. I'm older - obtained my BSN when I was 30 - I went back to college for a second time after working as a paralegal for a law firm in Georgia. I have 13 years of med/surg, critical care, trauma, neurotrauma experience.

I'm currently enrolled in an online LNC program that uses the AALNC guidelines and textbook and am currently awaiting a phone call from the attorney I used to work for. Excited about getting started in this field!

Also along for this ride is my dh who is currently a Dermatology Nurse Practitioner. He also has 13 years of ER experience.

Just wanted to jump in and say HI! I'm looking forward to checking out the site and all the information available here!

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.
Hi there! I'm CM and I live in Upstate SC, after moving here from Coastal Georgia about 6 months ago. I'm currently a sahm - I'm a trauma/neuro trauma nurse but have to drive about 45 mins to do the kind of nursing I love to do, so I've decided it's time to make a few changes in my career. I'm older - obtained my BSN when I was 30 - I went back to college for a second time after working as a paralegal for a law firm in Georgia. I have 13 years of med/surg, critical care, trauma, neurotrauma experience.

I'm currently enrolled in an online LNC program that uses the AALNC guidelines and textbook and am currently awaiting a phone call from the attorney I used to work for. Excited about getting started in this field!

Also along for this ride is my dh who is currently a Dermatology Nurse Practitioner. He also has 13 years of ER experience.

Just wanted to jump in and say HI! I'm looking forward to checking out the site and all the information available here!

:balloons: Hello and Welcome to Allnurses.com:balloons:

I, also, want to welcome you to the Legal Nurse forum. Very nice you are enrolled in the LNC course. When will you complete this? Will you try to start your own business or be in-house?

Again, so glad you joined us and hope to see you here in the Legal forum again. Oh, yes......check out the other forums, too.:)

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

Welcome to the site. Enjoy your stay and best wishes to you. :balloons:

Thanks for the welcome!

Siri - I'm going to be a sole proprietor - just me myself and I! I'm looking forward to getting started.

And I have to compliment you on being so helpful to the rest of us. I'm a frequent lurker and notice that you always are so helpful to everyone!

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.
Thanks for the welcome!

Siri - I'm going to be a sole proprietor - just me myself and I! I'm looking forward to getting started.

And I have to compliment you on being so helpful to the rest of us. I'm a frequent lurker and notice that you always are so helpful to everyone!

Well, thank you very much, CM in SC,:balloons:

That is why I chose the Legal Nurse forum as one of my forums to moderate. I know many of us are in the same boat and need encouragement along the way as well as helpful hints to get those cases.

I'm here whenever you need me. Pm me or post whenever you need.

And, that is great that you will be self-employed. Have you thought of incorporation as yet? Also, have you secured a business name that is not utilized by any other LNC or any other domain for that matter?

Specializes in Home Health, Internal med. Urgent Care.

Welcome CM!

I'm also from SC. Southern Calif.! Best wishes to you. :nurse: :yelclap: :w00t: :typing

Welcome CM!

I'm also from SC. Southern Calif.! Best wishes to you. :nurse: :yelclap: :w00t: :typing

Thanks Ellen! Nice to "meet" you too :)

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