Hello from Denver Colorado!


hi to all,

i just found out two days ago i passed my nclex exam after failing three times!! it has been over a year since i graduated from college and has also been a depressing one. now that i have finally passed, i am so excited to move into the career i have dreamed about doing since i was a little girl. the only thing is that i do not know what area i should go into. my choices are surgical imcu, or, labor and delivery, medical icu, and surgery. does anyone have any advice for me? my fiance' has been a cardiac nurse for eight years now and he just loves that area of nursing. i want to find something like that but i also would like something a bit more intense than tele.

Specializes in Staff nurse.

...congrats, you did it! AND your persistance paid off. As far as jobs, when you interview, ask about each area of interest, a tour of each unit. You will probably be asked why you've not nursed for a year as well. Good luck and God bless.

WoooHooooooo! Time to celebrate!!!!!!!

:balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons:

Out of curiosity, where did you go to school? I used to live in Littleton, and went to nursing school with a lot of people from the Denver area.

What hopspitals have offered you jobs? My decision would be based on that! Some are great with orientation but have lousy benefits. Others have great benefits but you are basically thrown to the wolves!

Good luck, I am so happy for you! :balloons:


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