Published Jun 14, 2007
1 Post
Hello all! I'm brand new to this site this morning! I'm a relatively new (9 mos) LPN in Ohio & was searching for information I might use for an interview at a drug & alcohol rehab hospital next Monday. I have always had an interest, but don't know a lot about what type of nursing I will actually be doing. I just left a LTC facility that is home to residents with some degree of paralysis, from one-sided weakness, to full quads. There was some degree of psych nursing with many of these people, too. Anyone who might have some helpful advice for me in regard to landing this job & what I can expect, I would be so appreciative!
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,838 Posts
Good luck. Welcome to Allnurses.
jpRN84, BSN, RN
123 Posts
I am a RN at a drug and alcohol treatment center. It's more psychiatric than medical, but we do detox patients there from alcohol, opiates, benzos and all other drugs that could cause someone to get hooked on them. We detox the alcohol people with librium and we detox the people on benzos with phenobarbital. The people on opiates get methadone, or suboxone, if they would like, if they haven't been using benzos. The big thing to watch for people in alcohol withdrawal is seizures which can show up at anytime. People on benzos can have seizures too, the seizures can happen right away or they can happen 2 weeks later, it all depends on the person. Good luck with your interview.