Published Jan 28, 2010
gradRN2007, BSN, RN
274 Posts
I work in cardiac step down at night. Graduated in 2007. I keep getting asked to go to the heart surgical unit and preceptor there now for 6 months. Always said no buy now thinking can only help me in future even though I hate vents. I am >50 but like the idea of becoming more proficient with drips, codes etc. Any feedback is welcome. Oh I work nights now and they would train me at night too
394 Posts
Go for it! There are many girls that I work with that have started ICU after at about the 2 yr mark.If you feel confident handling your stepdown pts then you'll do fine in ICU.
1,361 Posts
Our sister unit used to be the step down floor. When staff was interested in working in the ICU, the promise was that they could return to the step down if it wasn't the right fit for them. There were only positives from this because the step down nurses had advanced training if they changed their minds which only benefited the patients.
Propose that to management, they just may go for it. The hearts now are rapid extubations, we have them coming out of the OR extubated as well, so maybe that vent thing won't be as much an issue as you think?
Heck, our step down staff used to be floated to us to help when we were short. There is generally a few patients that are going to be transfered down that you could staff with, having an assigned mentor... then poking around and getting exposed to things?
Well there's two suggestions anyway, good luck change can be uncomfortable buy fun as well
Thanks, I would have a preceptor for 6 months. I am considering it because it would only help if we move closer to grandchildren and I have to look for a job.