Published Jun 6, 2012
25 Posts
Hello does anyone know what to focus on for the Health and Safety exam? What materials should I use? My exam is scheduled for next month. Thanks
29 Posts
I am also studying for Health Safety.I am using, Excelsior content guide and study group 101 cd. I wish I had a study buddy though.
136 Posts
I just finished that exam and used StudyGroup 101 and the content outline. I also did the practice exams. It's expensive, but it was worth it in my opinion. Honestly though, it seems to mostly just be a review from LVN school. I didn't have to put a whole lot of effort into this one.
208 Posts
I used the EC practice tests and SG101 and passed with a B. I studied for about 10 tens.
Thank you guys. Good luck with your future tests.
82 Posts
Hey michelle how is the going? Do you think it's worth it? I took health saftey and failed it on the first try. I also used the the EC practice exam along with study guide 101. I'm thinking I may need to something visual and audio to help me retain and comprehend. Any advice would be great! Alot of people are making it seem pretty easy, but it was kind of a challenge for me. Any one interested in a study partner I'm available.