Head Lice - It's True

Specialties School


Tuesday morning I was brought a bug in a zip-lock bag. The bug had been just removed from a head. It was a, robust, adult head louse - judging by it's size. It appeared to be very agitated as it was quite active. OK, so I decided to perform a scientific experiment; school nurse myth buster if you will. After poking several pin-holes in the bag I push-pinned it to my bulletin board. Yesterday, when I left, the louse was alive and well and was still displaying agitation, flailing its louse arms wildy in the bag; I thought I noticed some obscene gestures. This morning I must report the louse has perished and, thus, my school nurse myth buster scientific experiment has proven a head louse will die within 48 hours if off of a human head. You have my express permission to share this scientific data with any hysterical parent or staff member.

*Watches Farawyn with a bunch of teeny tiny Sombreros circling her stomping feet as the 'Public Lice Mexican Hat Dance' plays over the School Loudspeakers*

*Watches Farawyn with a bunch of teeny tiny Sombreros circling her stomping feet as the 'Public Lice Mexican Hat Dance' plays over the School Loudspeakers*


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