Hcc spring 2015

U.S.A. Texas



I just wanted to see if anybody applied at Hcc for spring 2015 (ADN) and if they could sign up for pharmacology class or not yet. I received an email about two weeks ago saying I can sign up for the class but it still asks for department consent. Has anybody else had the same problem or is it just me?

Happy studying everyone!! I know we are all freaking out about the first test!!

Specializes in Inpatient Obstetrics.

Good luck everyone! I just graduated this past August

wow. congrats @gelibean!!! How was the program?? do you feel it prepared you for the Nclex???

Specializes in Inpatient Obstetrics.

The program was an adventure. Since its a two year program it goes by really fast. You have to be on your feet and sometimes literally lol. Good thing I had my group of friends in the beginning and we kept each other in check. So I do recommend having a study group or friend. The program teaches you an overall of everything. The important information that you should know.

The program prepares you in a way but the NCLEX is something completely different. It's a whole different situation lol. If you really want to feel like you're getting ready for nclex, I would recommend practicing questions. You don't have to but it doesn't hurt. A lot of teachers recommended practicing questions but I never did it. I was so wrapped up with trying to survive nursing school. I started studying and getting ready for nclex once I graduated.

ahh i see... the reason why i asked was that the Nclex rate for 2013 was about 66%. so that was little scary to see.. I am between alvin and HCC. I dont know which one to choose lol

Specializes in Inpatient Obstetrics.

Yes it was!! The teachers definitely made sure that we were aware of that stat. Because of the 2013, they emphasized more to practice questions! The school was able to get a grant that paid for the Hurst Review ($300). But really if you are on top of your game through out the program, you should be fine.

So far, as far as I know, 15 out of 44 have taken nclex so far and only one student has failed. So that's 93% passing rate, up to now.

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