HCC Nursing Program Spring 2012


Hello to everyone who has applied for the nursing program for Spring 2012. I got my confirmation that all my papers are turned in. Does anybody knows how long we have to wait for a response?

I applied last year at this time and got my letter for the program in late-September. The contact person's name is M.F. She informed me the school enters all the prereqs into a computer and it ranks everyone according to the twenty-something credit hours needed to apply. Couple other programs let you know sooner. Good luck!

Thanks! Did u get in? Everybody says the program is hard...it is true?

The standards change every semester since it's always a different number of people applying with different GPA's based on those 22 credit hours. I believe anywhere from 100-120 a semester get in with the average GPA's being around 3.8 or so. I did get in, but had already accepted a letter from a program that begun sooner.

Thanks! Did u get in? Everybody says the program is hard...it is true?

links to threads? or post? thinking twice about applying now... LoL

I was in the same boat but I did it...Hopefully I will get accepted...

I was in the same boat but I did it...Hopefully I will get accepted...

i was kidding... this is the only campus i am able to apply for. what was your GPA?

3.6 . So you applied for the Spring 2012 too?

Hello guys,

I am applying for Spring 2012 as well. I received a letter yesterday saying that I was selected to take RNSG 1301, and now I am more confuse than ever lol... I have two questions:

1-Does the letter mean I was selected into the program?

2- If I take RNSG 1301 during the Fall 2011 and I pass it, am I going to start the RN program in Spring 2012? Please let me know if someone have the same problem I do.

Thank you!!!

Hello guys,

I am applying for Spring 2012 as well. I received a letter yesterday saying that I was selected to take RNSG 1301, and now I am more confuse than ever lol... I have two questions:

1-Does the letter mean I was selected into the program?

2- If I take RNSG 1301 during the Fall 2011 and I pass it, am I going to start the RN program in Spring 2012? Please let me know if someone have the same problem I do.

Thank you!!!

I have no idea what's that means... Are you an LPN?

@ leinus-

I received the letter as well. The letter allows you to take the Pharm class which is mandatory to get into the program. It does not mean that you were admitted into the program. After you take the class you will then take a Pharm test at the end of the class. If you pass that test (with a 90 or better) then your application will be reviewed for acceptance into the program. I know....its a bummer.

Have you already registered for the class??

Leinus and CareAngel: Did you applied for the Basic RN or the LPN to RN? I'm confused. Do they select just a few to take that class? How does that work?

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