Published Oct 30, 2008
1 Post
So right now I am in my second year of college and almost done with my pre-req. I am in AP 1 and having so much trouble with it. I know it's going to get harder, and I just don't know if I'm going to be able to make it.
I know everyone always says "you can do it if you put your mind to it" or whatever, but realistically I don't know if I can do it.
Any words of advice?
292 Posts
Ok, so you say that you are having trouble with A&P I and you are scared that you won't make it in NS. Well you are right that NS will be tougher but I wonder if you just need a better studying system. I also know that the teacher can make a HUGE difference in how you do. If you don't come out with a good grade then personally I would take the class over and see if I did any better. If you still aren't getting the concepts by then..well I might start evaluating if this was the right path.
But I know of several nurses who struggled at first with A&P because if you don't have any Biology background it can be tough and alot to memorize. Try to get down the concepts and use other websites besides just your book.
I am finishing up A&P II and Micro this semester and then I apply in March for Fall 2009. I too am scared and worried if I can handle it but from what I have read on allnurses is that is common. You won't know if you can make it if you don't try.
Good luck!
400 Posts
you don't think you'll make it through a&p 1 or won't make it in general? your so far into your pre-req's, don't let this one class discourage you. look into study groups, peer tutoring, different study methods....the list goes on! you can do this. when there's a will there's a way, right?
i agree with isabellasmommy...maybe a tutor would help. i reread your post and i think i was reading too much into it. i was thinking you were doubting ns and if you could make it if you are having trouble with a&p. but now that i read your post again i see that you are afraid you won't make it in a&p. i definitely say don't give up. get help because it is out there and study groups are definitely a good idea. just don't give up.
p.s. i wanted to add to check out this thread. excellent tips.
61 Posts
Yes, I agree with everyone, A&P will not determine your success in a nursing program. Look A&P is tough because there is so much material that has to be covered.. personally, it may sound tedious but I had to make index cards to remember all the material. I took my sciences at a local community college, so on our days off from lab, they had a lab tutorial and I would stay in that lab reviewing the human body for hours. That is the only way that I passed both sections. Please don't be discourage keep working hard and take hours to study daily.
14 Posts
I found that the prereq's were much harder academically than my RN program (almost done. yay!).
I felt like A&P really grew my brain. Sure, I don't remember most of that stuff, but it comes back when I need it. More importantly, I often think back about those classes and it gives me confidence that I can finish my program. Those classes were tough!
Don't get me wrong, NS is hard, just in a different way. It's very, very busy. And you learn to think in a different way. Don't worry though, it does not include so much memorization!