Have you had to Correct your Teacher?

Nursing Students General Students


I had to email my prof this weekend and tell her that info she had in her online tutorial was wrong. She had listed that the AAP is currently recommending that infants are placed prone to sleep to reduce SIDS risk. I politely emailed her that they should be placed supine and referenced the Back to Sleep campaign, but still!? Maybe it was just a mistake but when I see this, I wonder...am I learning other wrong material that I just don't catch? YIKES :uhoh21:

As an instructor I appreciate students correcting me, if done in the right spirit. I see my job more as facilitator to knowledge, because each student is responsible for his/her own education. We should work as a team, just like "real" nurses.

The best prereq teacher I had - both for anatomy and physiology - had the same philosophy; that info was always changing, so if someone had more recent info, bring it to light so we all could learn, and health care is a TEAM approach...practice it as a student, carry it into our professions.


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