It's hard to believe that August is here and we're halfway through 2022. It's time for another allnurses Article Contest, a time when you can share your thoughts about the Media's role in the mass confusion we've had regarding making healthcare decisions. We want to hear from you.
There have been so many changes in the state of health and healthcare around the world. We, as nurses and the general public, have had to struggle with COVID, Monkeypox, and changes in legislation that greatly affects healthcare. We have had to make many health decisions. Thanks to the abundance of health information found on and through the media, we have been bombarded with health information, accurate and inaccurate. The arrival of the internet and “Dr. Google” has been a help as well as a source of increasing confusion. Have you been confused?
For this contest, we want you to focus on how you make health-related decisions. What sources do you use? Who do you trust? Do you listen to the media, health experts, politicians, friends and family??
This contest is open to nurses, health professionals, and nursing students. Although you don’t have to be an experienced writer, you do need to be a registered allnurses member. As long as you are a nurse or nursing student with any experience at all, you have something to share. We want to hear from you.
STEP 1 Go to the General Nursing Forum and click the green 'ADD NEW TOPIC' button.
STEP 2 Click, "Article?" dropdown menu. Click "Yes I'm Submitting An Article".
STEP 3 Enter the article Title. A great title helps the reader understand what the content will be about. The title should be clear and short.
STEP 4 Enter a Summary (What is the article about?)
STEP 5 Enter a Headline. The headline should support the title.
STEP 6 Enter article content in the Editor. Do not submit the article as a PDF file.
STEP 7 Include a list of references with links
STEP 8 Enter (optional) Author Bio
STEP 9 Submit Article. Check grammar, punctuation, and spelling before clicking SUBMIT.
Get your article submitted now. The sooner you submit your article, the sooner others will read and will be inspired by your article, and the more views and likes you will receive. Who knows...You could be one of the 5 lucky prize winners.
You may submit images along with article but not required. We will add our own custom article image.
Article will be reviewed by the Editorial Staff. If the Editors have questions, they will contact you for additional information.
If you have questions about Article submissions, please contact the Admin Help Desk.
Contest Winners will be selected by the Editorial Staff.
What have you got to lose?
This contest is made possible by our generous Platinum Members. All sales from Platinum Memberships go back to the community in the form of contests, publications, and giveaways. Support the community by purchasing a Platinum Membership today!