Has anyone heard about MCG GHSU BSN program 2011?

U.S.A. Georgia


So I applied for regular admission to MCG-CHSU for regular admissions but my status still says ready for review. I just wanted to see if people were getting letters or still waiting like me. Thanks!!

If you ask different colleges about how many applications they get, it's about 400. The rest I did by reasoning, like if you have a 3.5 or higher and are applying to MCG, you can cut the 400 applications down to 200 because they say you have about a 50% chance of getting in. This doesn't mean that the other half have a 50% chance because they accept only 100 applicants. However, because they also take applications that have less than a 3.5, this also means that less than 200 people have a 3.5 GPA or higher, that is, if what they say is true and there is a 50% chance for those with a 3.5 GPA or higher. I also am opening my envelope and it's a no. I kind of knew that already though. Looks like the last week of February is cursed after all, but it also means I put up a good running. This is my reasoning for letter arrivals:

The sooner the rejection letter, the quicker the person earned disapproval for not putting up a good enough running. This means the person is further back out of the 200 people.

The later the rejection letter, the harder the person made it to get disapproved of as well as approved. This means that the person was very close to getting approved.

The earlier the acceptance letter, the quicker the person earned approval for their money. They're in the top 100. These people earn their letters in December. For the ones to get considered early, they have to be in the top of the pool. This means that the GPA probably starts off with a 3.85. They're around the top 10%. I'll go and do .10 X 400, which gives about 40 people. Not everybody out of those 40 people are accepted, so then I take off maybe 10 or 20 people. Out of this (we'll say 20 people got accepted), 80 more people are left to be chosen (100-20) out of the 380 applicants (400-20). Of course colleges always get applications that can't actually apply to their program, so you can take off a few people. 80 openings with 360 applications are left for consideration. If we go back to the beginning and remember that originally there are 100 spots and 400 applicants, then for every person accepted we know 4 will be rejected. Because 20 were accepted, at least 80 people will be rejected in January. This doesn't mean that they all have low GPAs. Some may have soured at other attempts. This leaves about 280 people left for consideration with 80 openings still for the month of January. Because it's carrying into March, 5-10 people will be accepted each week with decisions starting in the first months of January, and as decisions get tougher, rejection letters will get delayed and chances start to worsen. This makes the last weeks of February and beyond cursed. However, March seems to be a blessing maybe because they save good news for last or they alternate decisions. If you look at posts, acceptance letters appeared more at the beginning of the month of February and the end of January maybe because they take a month to decide and swamp letters towards the end of January. All I know for sure is that the end of January is fair and the beginning of February is good unless it's a rejection. 200 will be denied total. No one here got a rejection letter in January, so it's at least 120 rejection letters out for February and March. Gadawgh, I think you're getting closer to getting in by a hair. There's just something about your application that they're really skeptical about.

The later the acceptance letter, the slower the person earned approval for their money and the closer they were to getting disapproved. They're closer towards the back of the approved 100. The ones in the top middle get their letters in January. The ones in the middle probably get theirs in mid February and the ones towards the end are close to last. The later the approval, the fewer the chance of acceptance because spots are fewer and decisions are still being made.

Sorry you did not get in!

Thanks for the explanation.

So sorry you did not get in. Are you going to try next year? If I get rejected, I'm going to try again. I know I will retake the SAT. I last took it in 2002, and I sure hope I'd do a better job on it after four years of college! Other than that, I think it is what it is. I made As and Bs on all my prereqs and have lots of hospital experience. If I get rejected, Im going to go to Augusta to meet with the admissions people and ask them just what I can do to make myself a better candidate next year. I am committed to this! Again, so sorry. I feel your pain.

Hey Jazzy and SDTD - have you guys gotten your letters yet? I am praying for you both. We all deserve to get in, and I sure hope the new is good!

Not yet. Still waiting!!!

Thank you for the prayers!

Maybe good news will come for all of us. I have never wanted anything this much!

Well, the wait is over.

I got in at the Augusta campus (my first choice)!!!

So happy the wait is over!

I am so happy for you, jassy! It is just awesome that you got in PLUS you got your first choice! Now the wait was worth it all. You will do great! Good luck with everything.

Thank you so much, Godawgs!

Still praying for you.

Got into Athens campus!!!! staying in athens!!!!

So glad you got in, too! It's great everyone got the campus they wanted. Good luck!

Congrats STDT22!!! :yeah:

Glad you get to stay in Athens!

I wish you the best of luck.

Hello everyone! Got my letter this week - I am waitlisted. Of course, I am disappointed not to get in, but hope something breaks before classes start this summer. Anyone have any info about the wait list? I have no idea what I can expect - they won't say how many are on the list or where you are either. Just a crapshoot, I guess. Thanks for all the support. It's really nice to know there are folks out there going through the same madness you are. Thanks again.

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