Published Oct 3, 2014
37 Posts
Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone out there has successfully landed a job by contacting the manager of the unit that they precepted at after passing the nclex? I'm becoming a "stale" new grad and I am considering emailing the manager of the unit I precepted at. At the same time, I want to contact them in a professional manner that doesn't come off as annoying and demanding. Any tips? what has worked for you?
thank you so much!
72 Posts
Going to the manager on the unit I precepted at worked for me. On my last day, I went into her office to thank her for the opportunity and to express my gratitude for my preceptor and say what a good job they did for me when I was a student. We chatted about work and things about ourselves and in the end, she gave me her business card and said to send her an email when I applied to the new grad position.
It it took a while, perhaps over a month until I saw the job posting, but right when I applied, I sent my email to remind her who I was and expressed my interest in the job.
I definitely recommend you contacting the manger, you can ask if they are hiring and say you are interested. Remind them who your preceptor was and also, if you can, contact your preceptor so they may put in a good word for you.
If you check out Google, there's a lot of sample email/letters on how to write a professional message to a hiring manager.
scaredsilly, BSN, RN
1,161 Posts
That's how I got hired!
My preceptor actually texted me to say a job was opening. Once it did, I followed the rules and applied online, and sent the NM an email. About two weeks later, I got a text from my preceptor saying the NM never got my app! So I called HR and was told new grad apps were not forwarded, I told them that she wanted it forwarded and they said they would. Then I baked cookies for the preceptor and floor nurses and walked in with my resume. The NM was stunned to find out new grad apps weren't forwarded (she had no idea, and still hadn't gotten it) and she said she would get the panel together for a date and call for an interview. She did, and I got the job.
The online application process is not new grad friendly. If you really want a job, show up in person!
105 Posts
Yep - that's how I got hired, too. I also emailed a professor who I knew was a nurse manager and asked if she was hiring. She wasn't but told me of floors in her hospital that were and said she'd pass my resume onto the other managers. In the meantime, I was hired by the nurse manager with whom I precepted.
Edited to add: it's good if you have contacts, but it really comes down to the nurse manager, so that's who you want to contact.
3,677 Posts
I say go for it. I was offered a job by the manager on the unit where I precepted (she had lined up the preceptorship for me), but the organization decided not to take any prelicensure (traditional BSN) new grads this year because of the California BRN delay, so the offer was rescinded. They hired a bunch of post-licensure students, so now they're saturated with new grads, so no more. This was beyond her control. Lots of politics.