Harrassment on the Job

Nurses General Nursing


Ok. Long story short. 3 RNs, including myself, got into big trouble and where dragged down to HR several months ago now. We were told to shape up or ship out. So...we all did. However, my good friend and one of the other nurses seems to be constantly harassed and her job performance questioned. Employees are being asked to come to meeting in HR to see how the unit is doing, but there are questions about my friend always coming up. Question such as how her job performance is, is she on the internet, is she helpful and so on. This is stressing my friend totally out because she has made the change they asked for and she feels that she being harassed! Is this harassment or their right as an employer? Thing is that she's really a good nurse and doesn't deserve any of this! They are just focusing on her for whatever reason when there are so many dead weight, crazy, lazy people on the shift! What's your opinion?

You're in Texas ,for goodness sake ( This comment aimed at Tx Labor laws only, nothing else ), enough said ! .

Jump ship before you are pushed out . If your targeted by managment you could be a saint but there is nothing to stop managment getting rid of you .

(Bold added by me)

Of course, why didn't I notice this right fromt he start?

Im the employee the OP is referring to.

I am sick about all of this. I handed in my resignation yesterday. One of the people that HR questioned about me said that the unit manager told her that she was going to "make an example out of someone."

My manager has not said one word to me about my resignation. I dont expect her to.

I dont understand this...how does HR justify questioning my coworkers about me and my job performance?

I feel like I have been backed into a corner. I feel intimidated. My thoughts are just one big mess and I cant think straight.

I'm glad you read the writing on the wall and resigned.

I've quit a number of jobs in Texas due to the kind of treatment you describe.

Here's hoping for a better job in your near future.

It was better for you to resign. I wish there was more employees could do about mistreatment at work. I am a single mother and my boss knew that, she made my life horrible. I wish I would have been smart enough to quit, before they terminated me.

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