Published Jul 16, 2014
Hello! I will be applying for the 2015 WEA program at HCC. I am currently taking A&P 2 this summer and will be taking microbiology in the fall. Looking to see if anyone else is applying.
68 Posts
First semester it's split, half the semester is at an Assisted Living facility and the other is in long term care. Lorian and Brightview were used for assisted living, both are in Bel Air. LTC had a location in Havre de Grace and another in Bel Air but can't remember names. Thus far all clinicals have been located in either Bel Air or Havre de Grace with the exception of one mental Health faculty at Perry Point.
Just to wrap up my post I wanted to make a brief comment on 4th semester. In my opinion it was the least challenging of all the semesters. There was only Med Surg III to take which allowed for greater focus. There is still a lot of content to cover as in every semester. The schedule is similar, class 2x per week for I believe 3 hours then 12 hour clinicals on the weekend. Sometimes clinicals are on both Sat. and Sun. and sometimes just one day a week. Practicum is the last 2.5-3wks of the semester. In that time you have to get 100 hours of practice, it might have been 120 hours. Two weeks before practicum begins you get a list of possible sites and get to rank your top three. There may be multiple hospitals offering space in ICU and ED but you only get to choose one location since those are high demand areas. Typically you get your assignment one week before you start. If you are still working it doesn't give much time to change your schedule with your employer so it's better to tell your employer ahead of time that your schedule will be variable for 2-3 weeks and hope they will be flexible. After practicum you come back to campus one last day for wrap up and then you are done! Almost everyone in our cohort has found employment so don't feel like an ADN won't get you a job. Even still, it's always good to look toward getting as BSN as well. Even though WEA is no longer offered I believe Day Accelerated is similar except the classes are in the daytime, I believe 9am-12pm. I hope this information is useful to those who come across it in the future!