Hard decision.

Nurses Career Support


OK so, I have a very strange decision to make.

I started a new grad home health program while waiting for my residency for the OR to start. It was going to be a few months and I couldn't be making no money in the meantime. I fully intended to quit once my residency started, which it does on March 27th.

I got a call from the home health company asking me to come in for an interview to be a nursing supervisor....which shocked me and I thought they mistakenly called me instead of someone else but I entertained it and went. They said they have never hired a newer nurse for thu8s position before but they would extensively train me and that they chose me instead of one of the more experienced field nursesbecause of my personality and communication skills, and that the paperwork that goes along with this position is easy to be taught. It's not a very hands on patient care position, you do assessments on your patients once a week. The pay is great and they have great benefits, bonuses, and mileage expenses. It's hybrid after orientation so I could work from home 3 days a week. 


On the other hand the OR position also has good benefits and they pay for the bachelors and student loans. I would be on call, and I'm not sure the hours but I signed up for 5 8's. I'm so confused on what to do I was so excited for the OR, but now think this other opportunity would be the best for me. Any advice? 






Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

How much actual experience do you have? As a new grad, it is not likely a wise decision to become a manager of something you are not yet even proficient at (refer to Benner's novice to expert).

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