Happy Emergency Nurses Day Oct 13


Specializes in Emergency.

Happy Emergency Nurses day to all my fellow ER nurses.


Specializes in Med-Surg.

Happy ER Nurses Day! Woot!

Everyone gets the day off and a free vacation to the tropical location of your choice!!!!!!!!!! ;) :balloons:

Everyone gets the day off and a free vacation to the tropical location of your choice!!!!!!!!!! ;) :balloons:

Great because I'm more than ready.


Yeah!! I almost forgot. Happy ER nurses Day !!:)

Yeah!! I almost forgot. Happy ER nurses Day !!:)

I celebrate this day by not going to work in that lovely hell hole this evening!

Specializes in ER.

Our manager brought cookies to the day shift on Monday! Yippie.....of course I work nights and they wouldn't even take the foil off the pan for us. Oh well, I guess we get our pats on the back from our patients...WHHHAAAAAAAAA :rotfl:

Specializes in emergency nursing-ENPC, CATN, CEN.

Happy Emergency Nurses day to all my colleagues-


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