Hands off my vent!!

Specialties Critical


Lately we've been having some major problems on my unit with family members touching monitors, silencing alarms, turning off pumps, and even attempting to change vent settings!! My personal favorite is, "Guess what, I figured out where the silence button is!" "Well done, sir, because I really didn't need to know that my patient is sating 40%."

Seriously, how is this even a thing?

Public Service Announcement: If you do not have the letters MD, RN, or RT at the end of your name; if you are not an employee of this hospital; if you have absolutely no understanding that what you are about to do could result in serious bodily harm to your loved one, then please--DON'T TOUCH!


I cannot believe that this actually has to be said.

I once caught a family member grab a patients fresh trach pull it side to side and ask Momma if she was in pain just so the dir could get angry about us not providing pain medications. I do not miss those crazy family members.

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