Hairline fracture?


I had a pt who stated she fell over a week (on her knees coming down a step.) Turns out she has a hairline fracture of her tibia and didnt even know it? I have never heard of such a thing....can a person really do that and not notice it until a week later??

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.
I fell 3 nights ago and landed on my knees... it doesnt really hurt to walk but... right below my left knee it is VERY pain painful to touch... if I bump it or touch it with any kind of pressure it has a sharp pain then like a burning feeling for a bit but continues to ache for quite sometime...but then it seems to feel ok until I bump it or touch it again... does anyone know if that sounds like it could be fractured and I need,to have it checked out or something that will,just pass?.

I'm sorry for your injury, but you need to consult with your private physician or healthcare provider for treatment/care recommendations. It is impossible to assess your injury or offer advice online. As per the site terms of service that were agreed to when signing up "Medical Advice:ALLNURSES.COM, INC or it's members do not offer medical advice. Any requests for such will be taken down. If you have a medical problem, please seek attention from your health care provider. You are not allowed to ask for medical advice related to a health situation that affects you, a family member, or someone you know."

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