Gwynedd Mercy ABSN May 2019


Hey everyone! Has anyone applied to Gwynedd Mercy's May 2019 cohort for their ABSN program? I was wondering what everyone's GPA was. I have a bachelors in exercise science and graduated with a 3.4 GPA and my prereq GPA so far is a 3.1 not including nutrition and organic biochemistry. I feel Luke that is not enough to get in but I am still hopeful!

I was accepted for May 2019 Philadelphia campus. Has anyone else been accepted to this campus?

Hello, I was accepted to the Philadelphia campus. Students get accepted to different campuses for the same terms?

Yes, you can choose which campus you want to attend: Bensalem or Center City.

Anyone starting August 2019??!

@evo6488 I’m starting at the Bensalem campus in August 2019. Are you going to the Bensalem or Center City Campus?

Sorry took me forever to reply! Yes, I'm starting at the Bensalem Campus.


So I just have a question. I got into the August 2019 program at Bensalem. But they just told me recently that i have to retake 3 classes. Did this happen to anyone else? I mean they had my transcripts and yet they tell me just yesterday that I need to retake three classes.

thats very weird.... how did you get in if you have to re-take classes? Does this mean you are starting in August?

So the courses took weren't equivalent to the courses this nursing program requirements. They said as long as I finish before the program starts ill be good to start in August

I would be a little annoyed with that. But at the same it’s time it’s whatever. Are you going to be done by August? Did you start complio stuff?

It is. For one class, I found out that i had to take it on the day the class started and ended up paying 1500 for just one of the class. I have til Aug 26 to finish it I have to wait til they create my email ID, which they haven't yet to start the complio.

Holy crap what class is this?!? That’s kinda cutting it close, isn’t it? The complio stuff takes forever and it’s so expensive!

Its organic biochemistry. I applied later since my first choice for nursing screwed up my application. And I found out July 3 that I got accepted at Gwynedd. Mercy and a week later she told me about me needing to retake classes.I just had orientation two days ago and they just set up my email id. I cant start the complio until tomorrow.

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