GRU CNL Fall 2015

Nursing Students School Programs



Has anyone else here been accepted to the CNL Program at GRU for Fall 2015. Just trying to connect with some fellow students!

Congratulations crz_sigma! With that GPA you definitely deserved to get in!

I'm super surprised you got wait listed with a 4.0 and 306!

I think it is because I am an unusual applicant. I am graduating this month as a junior from my undergraduate studies and then going straight into this program. I have no other professional experience and did not have any time off between my studies. But I am glad they gave me a chance!

Well congrats and good luck!

Cartian89 I plan to reapply.

I plan to reapply as well. But I may also apply to various bsn programs as well. Even though it's another bachelors degree, I need to get into a program before my classes begin expiring. Most schools the classes expire 5 years after the time they were taken...

I completely agree! I think next year is my 5 years.

Have any alternates been accepted off the wait list yet? I know we still have over a month for them to possibly offer spots, I'm just curious!

I was told that last year almost all of the alternates were accepted at one point or another; I was also told that alternates would hear something by mid June concerning his or her status. I just hope the other schools I applied to will let me hold out long enough as GRU is my first choice!!

I got offered a spot on the Augusta campus (my first choice) last week. I had pretty much resigned myself to working for a year and reapplying, so it was a nice surprise!

Congratulations @mroselyner! Good luck to you :)

Congrats Mroselyner!! I'm glad you got it :)

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