Greater Lowell Tech

U.S.A. Massachusetts


Hi all,

I am new to this site and new to nursing - hopefully! I am applying to the LPN program at GL Tech evening division. Is anyone else here going or has gone to that program? I am taking the NET in June (the last test date) and I just ordered study materials. I have to pass it because it is the last time they offer it!!! I am 40yrs old and completely changing my career so I am hoping I am not the oldest in the program if I get in. So send out a hello if you are going to the program at Lowell Tech.



The Financial Aid Director is considering me an independent student, which is amazing and I am so thankful! But...I received the letter in the mail determining how much student aid I'll receive and what loans I'll be elligble for. Hah so I only received the minimum of $976 for a Pell Grant towards the remaining $3800 tuition. I'm elligble for a $3500 Subsidized Loan and a $6000 Unsubsidized Loan.

I know what each loan means but IDK which loan is appropriate for me. I work as an LNA and I was going to work 10 shifts a month which I dropped to 8 which now I think I'll be dropping to just 6 shifts a month...IDK if I'm going to be able to pay my bills. I'm kind of having second thoughts on everything. My grandfather, fortunately, paid for my books and uniforms b/c if he didn't there would be absolutely no way what so ever that I could've afforded them myself. So there is absolutely no option of backing out. I'm terrified and IDK if I can do this...

I really have no life at the moment aside from work and my boyfriend of 3 years. I legit don't hang out with ANYONE BUT my boyfriend, b/c he is my best friend, and I don't have any other friends and I'm being dead serious about that. I'm scared that I'm not going to have any time for us. I know that it's only 10 months but to me 10 months is forever. He and I have serious seperation anxiety. I refuse to forget about my social life with him. This may sound lame yadda yadda yadda but he is the only thing that keeps me going and if I don't have him in my life I literally lose my mind, I don't eat or sleep, can't think..

I am so scared that I am not going to be able to do this. I NEED and WANT to go to school so badly. I want to be a nurse and I need this to get on my feet to get out of a friend's house and start my own life. I know some of you or some people out there will end up saying "well if you want it so bad you'll go the 10 months without seeing him". Hahahaha. That's like saying ok don't eat, drink, and sleep.

IDK a part of me feels that some of those post grads HAD TO have done something for themselves during the day other than study 6 hours. I can't see physically studying 6 hours a day. Your brain can't possibly be able to contain all that. You'd end up burning yourself out. None of the other LNAs that I work with have any idea how intense this program will be and it kind of feels like they're putting a lot of pressure on me.

Is anyone aware of any assistance programs to help pay for your expenses while you're attending school? Anything...

Hi Allwehopefor,

I wish I had some answers for you. I don't know of any other way to pay for living expenses during school other than those two loans that you mentioned.

I have been told by another former student that this WILL consume you for the next 10 months! I was told that if you feel that the first semester is easy and you start to slack off you will never catch back up. She told me that her class started with forty students and ended with about half of that.

I know that I am going to have to find a balance between my family and school. But I know that my family will be the ones to take a back seat for the next ten months and that is how it is going to be. By taking this course I have agreed to miss all of my kids sporting and dance events as well as all of their events at school. That sucks for me but it really sucks for my kids but they will live. My husband will be the one that will feel the brunt of school because if I am not studying, I will be playing with my kids. I am sure that there will be family time but I am aware that it will be very few and far between. I am sure there will be days when my husband and my kids hate me, but heck they will get over it!

Just think If we start the program and then quit or fail then we are stuck with student loans that still will have to be paid, and we will have nothing to show for it.

So spend as much time with your boyfriend now and maybe make Friday nights your date night??? I don't know but I am sure the two of you will find what works best for you. And as far as friends the end of the program you will have forty friends cheering you on and hoping for the best for you.

keke- I couldnt not have said that better..very very well said!

Hey guys......just checking in......when does the program start? I am sad that I will not be there with you so remember to post occasionally so I can live vicariously thru you!!

allwehopefor...I have no suggestions for you regarding the $$$$...maybe you could defer the program for a year to try and save up a bit of $$ (do they even let you do that?). From what I have read on here about all LPN programs is that you will have to prioritize your life beacuse the program is intense. I am sure it will just take a bit to get into the groove and then you can figure out you work/social schedule.

As for me....I am starting a CNA course in Sept - its 4 nites a week for 5 weeks at North Shore CC. I am happy about that because it is close to where I live. I also am taking a Nutrtion class on Saturday mornings at Norhtern Essex CC, which I am not so thrilled about because its not too it starts at 8:00am!!! But you gotta do what you gotta do. I am trying to do everything in my power now so that I will get accepted to a LPN program for next year.

I wish you all the best and send good luck your or send me an email or PM to let me know how you are doing!!!:wink2:

Hey guys......just checking in......when does the program start? I am sad that I will not be there with you so remember to post occasionally so I can live vicariously thru you!!

allwehopefor...I have no suggestions for you regarding the $$$$...maybe you could defer the program for a year to try and save up a bit of $$ (do they even let you do that?). From what I have read on here about all LPN programs is that you will have to prioritize your life beacuse the program is intense. I am sure it will just take a bit to get into the groove and then you can figure out you work/social schedule.

As for me....I am starting a CNA course in Sept - its 4 nites a week for 5 weeks at North Shore CC. I am happy about that because it is close to where I live. I also am taking a Nutrtion class on Saturday mornings at Norhtern Essex CC, which I am not so thrilled about because its not too it starts at 8:00am!!! But you gotta do what you gotta do. I am trying to do everything in my power now so that I will get accepted to a LPN program for next year.

I wish you all the best and send good luck your or send me an email or PM to let me know how you are doing!!!:wink2:

Hi Allwehopefor,

I'm also starting a CNA program in sept.

I'm also attending Mount Wachusetts trying to get into the LPN program. I have taken my pre-recks and just waiting to hear if I'm accepted for Jan. This program is different from Lowell Voke. You have to take all the pre-recks first then, when your in the class you just focus on all the nursing classes!

Wish me luck! and I wish everyone luck as-well who are attending the Voke! it is INTENSE!!!!!:banghead:

See the thing is(and I am not trying to expose my personal life here) but I was kicked out of my parents house in April. I has just landed a 3rd shift LNA job after being unemployed for 7 months as an LNA from a facility that I was at for over a year. Soon after I began work, my erratic dangerous mother threw me out and I was homeless for a couple days until a friend caught wind and reminded me that her parents would always be there to help me out if seriously needed. They fortunately took me in and I do pay rent and I also pay my own expenses(have been since I was 15). I sort of had the option of living with boyfriend with his family but we all know how that goes and his mother is extremely controlling and rude. She puts her 2 cents in where it's not needed, says very inappropriate things that make me uncomfortable, and tends to belittle her son, my boyfriend. In which I am not putting up with at all. In most cases I have seen, she acts like she's still in high school. Many times I have people tell me I am more mature and reserved for the age I am at compared to her...

I took the NET back in Dec '08 but failed b/c of the math. I decided to not retake until next year b/c I was discouraged. But due to the factors of me being kicked out, not being able to afford a place on my own and where I live, and where I am temporarily living for now; I MUST attend school. The people I am staying with are extremely supportive of me and my determination to take that next step and become a nurse and make a better life. They also said that I can stay there while I am in school, the period of time in which is takes me to get my license find a job, and save money to move out.

There are many other factors that are contributing to how crucial it is to go to school now and get a higer education other than this. At first, I was going to defer school until next year due to the money issue but I'd have to get all new referance letters, take the new test that they were going to administer, my car is not going to laster another 2 years, and the people whom I am staying with said that if I didn't go to school I'd have to find my own place and like I said I can't afford it on my own. Many have said, "room with a friend", lol thing is is that I literally don't have any except for my best friend who is my boyfriend and also the economy is definitely not in the place of where it's an appropriate idea to room with a young person who most likely doesn't hold a degree(like that even matters nowadays). But b/c of the situation I am placed in, there is no other option other than to attend school. I have to. There are no other options for me and not like I can turn back now b/c I have all my books and uniforms, in which my grandfather had to pay for(thank god for him).

I do work FT as an LNA but I initially dropped to 10 shifts a month to 8 and now I dropped to 6 at the start of Sept. We'll see how this goes.

Just thought I would share some good news on my part...

A little over a month ago a coworker directed me towards applying for student aid from New Hampshire Charitable Foundation. I googled them and looked over their site and printed out a couple scholarship apps. I was elligble to apply for one so I gave it a shot. I've applied for many scholarships in the past year to cover the tuition of school but I haven't received any.

Well, yesterday I received a letter from NHCF awarding me $1,000 towards my tuition! :-D

My mouth hit the floor and all I could say was "Oh my God.." while my boyfriend was repeatedly asking me what was the matter. Really, I absolutely needed something good like this to come my way after this past summer.

::long sigh:: Things are starting to look up.

Thats awesome! I am so happy for you!!!!

That is fantastic!! Awesome!!!!

Tuesday....its coming fast...

I know...I'm scaaaared.

wow reading all of your entires have really inspired me to get my act together. I was trying and failing on getting into middlesex's RN program but there is a huge waiting list. My sister is an RN and i was so sure i had to follow in her footsteps and do the same thing she did. But now that ive come across Greater Lowell's LPN program i think that it may be the better route for me. Im going to take a science course at middlesex and apply when the application becomes available.

I am 25 years old and im from Lowell, Ma. Ive really felt the need to get into the program recently because my job is such a dissapointment. Its just really hard because ive been on my own since i was 18, paying my own bills and such since my parents are both desceased. So its hard to fit in school with paying bills and such. But its so good to see real people talk about their problems, insecurities and see how you all make it through! i look forward you your updates. Cant wait for december so i can try my luck at the program. :D

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