GRE Practice tests


Has anyone taken GRE practice tests (such as Princeton or Kaplan Review) and had the scores correllate with your actual test scores? I'm taking the test Friday and hope my practice scores will reflect the actual test.

Thanks for any input.

Specializes in ICU- adults, Flight RN peds/neo.
Has anyone taken GRE practice tests (such as Princeton or Kaplan Review) and had the scores correllate with your actual test scores? I'm taking the test Friday and hope my practice scores will reflect the actual test.

Thanks for any input.

Hey Eileen,

Good to see you posting again.

I found the Kaplan practice (online tests) correlated well. I bought the "express online package ~$600 and it was WELL worth it for me. I did 6 online tests and scored pretty much in my range (of practice tests). Improved my score by 29% from my last test a few years ago.

What I did see as different (and I have heard it from others) is that the reading comprehension is alot longer in the actual GRE. It seemed like it was 4 paragraphs long at least. It didn't matter, because in my strategy, I didn't read it anyway....too long. I looked at the questions and figured the answer from there.

Remember in the writing section, write as much as you can as fast as you least 4-5 paragraphs (it is graded on length, don't sweat the misspellings). I did this and went from a 4 to 5.

I also bought the Princeton's Cracking the GRE......recommended by was great---good quick pointers.

No worries, you will zip past this is your application coming?


I did practice tests from a Kaplan CD that came with a book I bought at bookstore. My score on actual GRE was a little better than predicted YAY!

I leave for Walter Reed in the morning for my physical. A little nervous since I am old and out of shape. I have lost about 30lbs so I am closer to army weight. Reserve app is in progress but I have the verbal OK from the Chief Nurse of the local unit. He is on board with my joining the reserves to get to OBLC in the fall and USAGPAN next June. The unit isn't due to deploy anytime soon, so I am feeling better about that end of it all. Northeastern app completed, except for my current transcript which should go out this week. So I think all I need is the Phase II interviews which the recruiter is working on setting up. Even on the home front things are falling into place. My son and some friends want to rent my house from me so I am not stressing out about selling in a bad market.

Anyway, thanks for the input. GREs this Friday. And the practice exams look really good, so I am hopeful for a competetive score.

Cindy, you must be getting excited. Leaving soon for San Antonio. Have a great year! I'll be watching for updates on how it's going.


Specializes in ICU- adults, Flight RN peds/neo.

Hey E,

Good luck with your MEPs today and good job :) on getting in shape, I too lost weight last year when going through the process. It does make running easier which is a grunt normally, especially getting motivated to run (but it does feel great when it's over!).

You will rock that GRE, no worries. It feels pretty good getting all the "ducks in a line" with the applications and such....good work!

Yeah, I am getting pretty excited about moving....I guess....eck! A bit scary.

The movers are coming next week! Aughhhh. Oh my god, it's next week.

Keep us posted on your process,

we will see you next June !!!!

Quick update....

GRE's are over! And I am thrilled! Scored a 1240 (650 verbal, 590 math). Physical at Walter Reed was fine, long day, but I am "medically qualified for duty". Two steps down, many more to go until June 2010.


Specializes in ICU- adults, Flight RN peds/neo.
Quick update....

GRE's are over! And I am thrilled! Scored a 1240 (650 verbal, 590 math). Physical at Walter Reed was fine, long day, but I am "medically qualified for duty". Two steps down, many more to go until June 2010.


Hooah!!! :yeah:

Right on with those GRE scores!! :)

Wow.......The movers are here today!!


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