GPC-receiving acceptance or rejection letter to nursing school

Nurses General Nursing


I have applied to the Fall 2010 nursing program at Georgia Perimeter College (GPC). I was wondering if anyone knew how long it takes to receive your acceptance or rejection letter?:confused: Thanks

I don't have my NET scores with me, but I think got a composite score of 80. I have completed all the prerequisites and gotten A's in all of them. I was pretty excited to get the letter because the day before I got a rejection letter from Clayton State.

Thanks for the info. That helps us to better understand maybe why we did not get in.

Hi, all

I also applied for Fall 2010, got acceptance letter few days ago. I have 3.5 gpa, 4.0 science and 100 on math and 85 on reading. Thus, I think they are looking at the Net scores first before anything else come to mind and I think the number of time you take the Net exams is considered too.

I receieved my acceptance letter on saturday..hopefully you will receieve yours today!

For the ones who got in, can you look at your unofficial transcript? Does it say major is pre-nursing and degrees awarded is pre-nursing under program and major?

Yes, it was a while after acceptance letters were sent out before it was changed to Nursing. Good Luck!!

Did anyone figure out this Universal Voice Invite, I just realized my transcript says it. What is this all about?

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