Published Mar 18, 2008
5 Posts
Hi, I'm new to Allnurses and am thinking of moving to Europe. It seems difficult to get a new license specific to a particular country. And the pay and responsibility is less. So, I was thinking of working as a civilian RN for the military or US government. Has anyone had experience with this?
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,277 Posts
Good luck - the downsizing of the American military has forced many of the military spouses to not work. Don't count on working a military base - there are just too many military spouses that will have precedence.
Perhaps volunteer on a mission trip first?
502 Posts
Let's clarify couple of thinks before...
1. Military is included in major US goverment agencies and yes nurses could operate overseas.
2. Are many other government agencies, others than military who hiring nurses AND for jobs overseas in Europe and not only.
3. Find one by one all others government agencies and make your research, contact them, be logical, concret and detailed about what you want to know. ONLY after you have all information about could make a decision!
4. Need to be US citizen or a lest resident.
Hugs and all the best!
1. Military is included in major US goverment agencies and yes nurses could operate overseas.2. Are many other government agencies, others than military who hiring nurses AND for jobs overseas in Europe and not only.3. Find one by one all others government agencies and make your research, contact them, be logical, concret and detailed about what you want to know. ONLY after you have all information about could make a decision!
The main place I've looked and placed a resume' is You actually work for the U.S. Government not the military specifically. However, most of the jobs are in military installations and I'm guessing the work could be in conjunction with active duty military nurses/doctors. One of the problems I've seen, however, is the lower pay compared to what I can make in the US. Also the fact that you get paid in dollars and have to spend in Euros. So you lose a lot of income that way. I was hoping that here are people who have actually done or are doing this now who could tell us about there experiences.
You actually work for the U.S. Government not the military specifically. However, most of the jobs are in military installations and I'm guessing the work could be in conjunction with active duty military nurses/doctors. One of the problems I've seen, however, is the lower pay compared to what I can make in the US. Also the fact that you get paid in dollars and have to spend in Euros. So you lose a lot of income that way. I was hoping that here are people who have actually done or are doing this now who could tell us about there experiences.
1. Alvin, I don't work there! LOOOOOOL I am JUST a regular nurse nothing related with what you want....loooooool
2. Make you clear what you want to know about...ONLY civilian nurses positions in military field? Beeing specific you will help people who work there to help you!
And BE GOOD, muaaaaaaah! :lol2:
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
There are actually about twenty different agencies that have contracts with the military to staff different bases overseas. Each has several locations that they handle, none of them have contracts for all of them.
And they are still offfering contracts, but are very strict in their hiring processes. Much more so than a traditional job in the US.
Best of luck to you.