Published Nov 2, 2008
5 Posts
So a tattooist friend of mind told me he had accidently stuck himself 3 times over the course of his 8 year career because of the clients moving. He is super stressed out to the point where he wants to quit over this. what are the chances of contracting something this way being that tattoo needles are solid bore an very small ,more like pins i think they are 30 gage. He was wearing gloves an said they were very superficial to the side of his index finger with little to no bleeding. I have read alot on this but nothing ever covers tattooing . Any help would be awesome!
Virgo_RN, BSN, RN
3,543 Posts
Your friend can have himself tested for Hep B, C, and HIV.
i realize this , but he is freaking out . Was tryin to find some info on actual chances of seroconversion for him, an what is the probability of it. He was vacinated for hep b in highschool around 97.
I'm sorry that he's freaking out, but there is always a chance, even if very remote. The only way for him to ease his mind is to be tested.
ETA: So, is this person really someone else, or is it you? I must say I feel a bit....used.
It is against the TOS for us to give medical advice here. You need to talk to your doctor.
im a tattooer an have been stuck 3 times through the course of my career of 8 years. The sticks have always been through gloves, an have been more like scratches not even a drop of blood coming out. They all happened on the same finger . I have been vaccinated for hep b when i was in highschool in 97 . What is the possibility of contracting something this way considering the needles i use are solid , are small gauge i think 30 , an go jus into the skin . Not muscle or veins. Any insight would be great because i can never find any info on tattooing . I know most people in the medical field really dont like tattoos so it seems like everyone i talk to tries to scare me to death. Im jus looking for some honest opinions ,because jus like a nurse i take my job very seriously an clenliness is of utmost important to me.
We cannot give medical advice on this forum. It is against the TOS. This question is best reserved for your health care provider.
1 Article; 3,017 Posts
I have merged all your posts as they are asking the same question, as Virgo has said this is something you really need to speak to your healthcare provider, I can understand that you are very concerned about this however you need to have a face to face discussion with your doctor about the implications of this and what the best course of action would be. THis is not advice that we can give here other than what you have already recieved.
Good luck
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