Published Feb 9, 2011
4 Posts
I have been at my current (and first) CNA job for only about 2months. I did not do any research of the facility before i got there, and turns out it is one of the worst in the city i live in...aides and nurses yelling at patients. Many aides from other LTC say that i got stuck at a bad one, so i want to try to find a new job where everyone around me doesnt act like the residents are a problem. Example: one aide force feeds a total-care resident and drips food all over her (no bib...), and if the resident doesnt finish by the time the aide is ready to go back to the floor, she just throws away the rest of the food, no matter how full the plate is! Noone even bothers to hydrate the thickened liquid residents, or do any kind of hygeine on total care residents unless they can talk. The aides just mark down "bed bath" even though it was not actually done.
Anyways my question...What should i put on job applicaitons when asked "Reason for Leaving"?
I want to be honest, but dont want to slam my current employer, nor do i want prospective employers to think im flaky. Please help.
**sorry so long**
55 Posts
Hi, I am in the EXACT SAME situation as you, I guess the only difference is the place?
this place doesn't have a bad reputation, but CNA's here AREN'T TEAM payers, and they ALWAYS make up the residents intakes, out puts, hydration, and bed baths..OH and the WORSE part is that they DO NOT DO proper HYGIENE & Infection control, washing hands its RARE here. I try to do proper and correct things as instructed by my instructor in class and got yelled at for doing it, I try to communicate with patients and got Yelled at .. Bed linens got changed only if it stinks REALLY Bad. I'm on this place for just 8 Days and I am already sick of it... All is done here is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than what I've learned at training. And my though is the same as yours, JUST GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!. I was thinking perhaps said that. You Leave because you wanted to go back to school for like Med Term or some other related class. That's what I am planning to do and say to my current boss. Hopefully it will work.
Good Luck! to us both
87 Posts
My heart goes out to both of you. I just experienced the exact same thing in January. It was my first CNA job and just a horrible experience. The same day I left my nightmare job I got hired at a home health care agency and I just LOVE it!!! I do things the right way without getting yelled at and I care for the clients physically, emotional etc.... without getting yelled at. The stress is not there because I don't have 12 - 16 residents, nor do I have to worry about a lack of teamwork to get my job done. My experience was exactly like both of yours......almost sounds like we worked at the same place! Anyway, not sure what reason you could put for leaving....It always pays to be completely honest. Good luck to you both!! And good for you for taking a stand!!!
Queen Tiye, CNA
107 Posts
if you are going to leave or have already left please contact your local ombudsman for the residents sake.:heartbeat
interceptinglight, CNA
352 Posts
I have been at my current (and first) CNA job for only about 2months. I did not do any research of the facility before i got there, and turns out it is one of the worst in the city i live in...aides and nurses yelling at patients. Many aides from other LTC say that i got stuck at a bad one, so i want to try to find a new job where everyone around me doesnt act like the residents are a problem. Example: one aide force feeds a total-care resident and drips food all over her (no bib...), and if the resident doesnt finish by the time the aide is ready to go back to the floor, she just throws away the rest of the food, no matter how full the plate is! Noone even bothers to hydrate the thickened liquid residents, or do any kind of hygeine on total care residents unless they can talk. The aides just mark down "bed bath" even though it was not actually done.Anyways my question...What should i put on job applicaitons when asked "Reason for Leaving"?I want to be honest, but dont want to slam my current employer, nor do i want prospective employers to think im flaky. Please help.**sorry so long**
You should be honest on any application you submit, and because the LTC you found yourself at already has a notorious reputation it won't be surprising the reason that you left. It may actually make you look good rather than bad if you state 'I do not want to work in a facility in which people are abused and neglected'......that's the truth, because yelling at residents, failing to feed or hydrate them properly, and not keeping them clean IS ABUSE AND NEGLECT !! I still can't understand how facilities like that even stay open, and it's heartbreaking to think of the the people who are living there and how they suffer.
KimberlyRN89, BSN, RN
1,641 Posts
I've been in that situation before and here are the things I suggest:
First, do NOT quit this current job until you have something else lined up, meaning a job offer from another facility/agency.
That way when you are filling out your applications, you can put that you are currently still employed by this facility. When they ask you in the interview why you are searching for a job, just casually mention that you are looking for a change, or looking for more stability..something along those lines.
Honestly I think working at horrible places like this is a learning teaches you what kind of aide you DON'T want to be. Good luck :)
1,196 Posts
I would write something like "The facility was not a good fit for me", and then in the interview, if they ask you for further details, tell them what you told us - that you were not comfortable with the way the residents were cared for. If it's a good place, they will be glad to see that you care.
837 Posts
I would just say something like "I feel like the last place I was at wasn't a good fit for me" if asked and not go into any further. And as you leave that place, report it to whoever is responsible for investigating elder abuse in your state.
I don't agree you should stay there until you find another job. One day soon this place is going to blow up, when people find out what is going on- and you do NOT want to be part of an elder abuse investigation.
cdicapua, CNA
39 Posts
I think you may find some of that in any facility, unfortunately like any industry there are some bad and good people. It is our obligation to go to admin and tell them what you have seen in the facility. It should be confidential, they should have signs up about compliance issues and where you can discuss them. If you don't give the ltc a chance to defend themselves, chances are leaving a job after 2 mos, is going to look bad for you. If you tell the ltc why you are leaving they have to fix it. We are not allowed to leave them dirty. The sheet issue, I come accross it everytime I work Last week I worked with an aide I like, and I helped her with a difficult bed change, When we lifted the chuck, I said this is a bed change, she obviously was doing it becuase I made her feel uncomfortable if we didn't. Later that night the Nurse said the aide mentioned to her that I made her change a bed, my response to the Nurse was yes because it had to be changed. I work nights as a float, I get to work with many different aides. Working nights you don't have the peir pressure of taking shortcuts that you do in the daytime.
250 Posts
"i have been at my current (and first) cna job for only about 2months. i did not do any research of the facility before i got there, and turns out it is one of the worst in the city i live in...aides and nurses yelling at patients. many aides from other ltc say that i got stuck at a bad one, so i want to try to find a new job where everyone around me doesnt act like the residents are a problem. example: one aide force feeds a total-care resident and drips food all over her (no bib...), and if the resident doesnt finish by the time the aide is ready to go back to the floor, she just throws away the rest of the food, no matter how full the plate is! noone even bothers to hydrate the thickened liquid residents, or do any kind of hygeine on total care residents unless they can talk. the aides just mark down "bed bath" even though it was not actually done."
contact the ombudsman whenever you see this type of neglect and or abuse. you are mandated by law do report neglect and abuse.