Published Feb 24, 2014
4 Posts
I am a second time test taker. So I am going to start from the begining. I graduate May 13' and my school had ATI throughout the entire program. And everyone in my class hated it. It was just too much in my opinion. After graduation my school offered us Hurst Review and I took although I wanted to take Kaplan. I ended up really liking Hurst; it is great for content which I needed. So used hurst along with Kaplan nclex rn review book and saunders; along with nlcex 4000 and the 30-something page notes from this site. I studied like crazy. My Q-Review scores were 63, 69, 68, 58, 56, 63. I did all the questions out of the kaplan book including the CD. I signed up to take the test in september( I know its a big gap of time). Going in i didn't feel ready. I was still reviewing until i left the car. I took the entire 265 in like 3 1/2 hours because i basically had a panic attack during the test. I could not focus, everything look completely diff from what I studied, and I gave up and started clicking through to get finish. I remember having at least 60 select all apply. I just knew i failed and when i got the bad pop up i was devastated. After that i put all my nclex stuff away and took a much needed brake and continued with life. Got above passing in basic care and comfort, below passing in pharm, and near passing on the others. Got married and moved. My husband is also a RN and took his test in june and passed with 265 and we used the same study materials. now back to me lol.
In october i signed up for Kaplan which i was excited for, but then i started watching the videos and they were so boring but needed. After i finished all the video i gave my self 5 weeks to complete kaplan according to my study plan my scores Diagnostic test 61%, QT1- 59%, QT2-61%, QT3-53%, QT4-59%, QT5-60%, QT6- 57%, QT7-57%, Readiness test 64% and Q-bank 60% with 100% completed. Im not going to lie i ********ed through some these test going through them fast because they were so long and make simple mistakes like not reading the whole question before jumping to an answer. I also did the sample test and got S1-58%, S2-52%, S3-90%, S4-28( it was alternative questions), and the alternative quiz 28%. I went back though and read each rationale and wrote some down to read over. I even re-watched all the video and took notes, and read to comprehensive book like 3 times. My test was scheduled a week and a half later of me finishing kaplan. So i got the LaCharity PDA book and did 4 chapters a day i was scoring atleast 60% highest 86%. I was also reading over all my notes. Two days before the exam i was burnt out and my brain would not let me ready so i just shopped the whole weekend to relax. The morning of my test i woke up at 4 and didn't go back to sleep. I said the St. Judes prayer when i got up and before i went in to test. I was surprisingly calm as if i new i was going to pass. I got in quick and i shut off at 88 questions. I thought my heart had fell out. I did the survey so fast and got out of there. I did the pearson cue trick in car and got the good pop up three times. So in my opinion what i needed was this time around was critical thinking; i already had the knowledge from my hurst review. I hope this encourage some of you to keep going and to get the review that is right for you.
I forgot to add i had like 15 select all that apply, i calculation, i drag and drop, and only generic name meds. And the nclex questions seemed easier that kaplan.
54 Posts
Congrats!!! Im taking Kaplan right now, it makes me feel a little more at ease when i hear success stories from those who used it, did you finish the qbank?
yes i finished all of the questions