Good Future? Nursing? Your thoughts?

Nurses General Nursing


Name's Joe.

Live in Arkansas, I'm currently still a senior. Yep, still in that branch of kids characterized by our moodswings and our overwhelmingly stupid school politics. (I completely Agree)

- Well. To make this as short as I can. I'm 16, and a senior, turn 17 on the 29th of September, so I'll graduate at 17. Now that everything is coming into place for my college experience. I've chosen a college, UAFS, which I've heard has one of the top Nursing Program in the state. So that's cool, I'm glad I've made a choice already.

- Money for college? Anyone have any ideas about any low income family scholarships or grants that are available for students interested in going into nursing? I'm currently overloaded with studying for the ACT & other fun college stuff, if anyone has any hints or knows of any scholarships, I'd be so thankful, you'd help me bunches.

- Is it a good job? What do you think? is it a good job for me to go into? Should I consider another thing based on your thoughts. I'm a good kid, I'm great with people, not squirmish to blood, and a pretty much a well rounded kid. I just want to know how your workday feels? Is it stressful, do you work crazy hours? Crappy Pay?

- I want to be an ER Nurse, because I want to be where the action is, I originally wanted to be a Paramedic, but thats horrible pay. I want to be a dad with kids, a nice house, and a normal person, would going into this job overload me and not me spend time with my family? I was wondering if anyone has any tips on something I should take in college, or anything of that sort. Please people. Overload me with Info., I definitely need it.

- Well, thank you so much for reading this whomever you might be, and I'll definitely appreciate anybody's comments and helpful tips. I hope you all have an awesome day. And please, help and tips and comments are definitely appreciated!


Specializes in Med/surg,Tele,PACU,ER,ICU,LTAC,HH,Neuro.

:welcome: I graduated from UAFS when it was called Westark Community College. Class of 1981....:w00t:

Does not surprise me in the least it is the top nursing program of the state. I remember the Biology Class for Health Professional was a year long class. The actual books used where written by the instructors. The lab was exceptional and TOTAL FUN. I have attended a few colleges since then and they always questioned this class, if it was comparable to A&P. I had the actual 4 books the two professors wrote for that class till I lost them in Katrina, and I would haul them out for them to look at. No doubt in my mind that class was better than any A&P class I could have gotten anywhere else in the country. That class has probably changed over the years, but I doubt the dedication of the teachers has. Some of my instructors didn't have BSNs back then, but their command of clinicals were top notch. I admired every one of them and still admire teachers because of them to this day.( I think it is a thankless job though. Has to be a higher calling to do that)

So far as money it was hard. My family wasn't necessarily poor, I had was a small stack of bonds set up from infancy for my future. Since I chose to go to college I could use them before I was 21. They helped but it wasn't enough. If your grades are decent, you might be able to get a good grant or scholarship. I had A BEOG grant and I worked part time to get through. I had to waitress till I finished a few semesters and could work as a CNA. Working in a clinical setting does wonders on you confidence and your instructors appreciate the extra incentive. Definitely talk to the financial aid office at UAFS.(WESTARK RULES) :smiley_aa

Try to get in some classes asap as you determine if you want to be a nurse.. English Psych, Sociology, Chemistry and such. it will take 3 years to finish.

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