Going back to BSN program after leave of absence


I have one semester left to finish my BSN. I have been out of the program since July 2012. I had to leave my abusive ex and my 4 children and I went to stay in a domestic violence shelter. I managed to finish the classes that I was enrolled in during that semester except I had to drop one due to childcare issues. I attempted two over the summer but ended up having to drop one again due to my son (who is mentally disabled) being in the hospital. I want to apply for re-admission for the upcoming spring semester. Things are much more stable in our lives. My problem is that I will have been out of nursing school for a year and a half when (if) I do go back. I feel like I have forgotten everything I learned. I did very well in school but I'm afraid all this time off has hurt my chances at being able to finish. I have some very important classes including critical care this semester. Is this even possible to go back and pickup where I left off? I want to study to refresh my memory before then but I do not have my books or anything else from school. Any tips?

PinkPandora, you have had a stressful time. I think that you can be successful in the remainder of nursing school, though it may take some focused effort.

Have you talked to the officials at your school? I would start with the Dean's office. You are not the first student to put a degree on "hold" due to personal issues and you won't be the last, especially since most of these issues weren't in your control. Pull yourself together, focus on your desire to be a nurse and go talk to them to find out what you need.

Do you know anyone in the student nurses' association or anyone from your prior class that is supportive and knows the people and requirements of the program? Maybe talk to them first. As I said, it's not unusual for students to have to take a break for one reason or another.

As far as forgetting things, do you still have your textbooks? If not, get a NCLEX review book (buy it or get one from the public library for free) and start looking at topics that you covered in your first 1+ years. If you did OK then you can do OK for one (or two) more semesters.

Good luck to you! You can do this!

The classes I have left are:

Community Health

Complex Care (which is our critical care/ICU)

Nursing Leadership

Nursing Seminar

I have to take them all in one semester for my financial aid. I don't have my books anymore. I don't even have my notes! Any recommendations on specific NCLEX books?

I have talked to the school and the dean. I have to reapply to the school and they want quite a bit of stuff from me to be able to come back. I was very honest with them when my kids and I had to leave our home and always told them what was going on. I made it through a semester of school homeless with 4 kids.

I know I can finish but I worry about not just this last semester, but the NCLEX and my future patients.

Thanks for your support!!

Specializes in Pedi.

I think you can do it. I took a year long leave of absence in college (albeit earlier in my program than you) due to personal/medical issues and went back/graduated.

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