Published Dec 21, 2005
nursemike, ASN, RN
1 Article; 2,362 Posts
As a nurse of about six months, I've had some interesting nights, lately. Had a man fall about of bed and leave his Foley behind--ouch! Had a woman with a broken leg who hadn't peed since having her Foley out, about six hours before. Last night had a lovely woman, AOx3, with severe diarrhea, in A-fib and A-tach not responding to cardiac meds.
Each time, was lucky to have an aide who went above and beyond to help me (and, especially, the patient) get through it. Different aide each time. Our aides used to do phlebotomy, too, until it was decided that a few weren't using the best technique, so we went to dedicated phlebotomists--which isn't bad, but there are never enough, so the nurses end up doing draws, occassionally.
Which is also okay--Lord knows, I need the practice--but I've had a couple of sticks where I needed to get an aide to coach me a little.
I've been trying hard to remember to properly thank the aides who've helped me out when things were hairy. I've been doing my best not to over-delegate, and when I'm able, or when someone's behind because she spent too long helping me, I try to help pick up some of their chores. I'm afraid I may not be an "easy" nurse to work with--too often, it's all I can do to keep up with my stuff--but I have given them permission to whack me upside the head when I hog the charts. I do believe they understand I mean well.
So, I just wanted to post this as a way to say thanks to those I've worked with, and doubtless many others, whose jobs are just as hard as ours (and sometimes moreso), who care just as much as we do, and who are a lot more important than their paychecks, unfortunately, reflect.
CrunchRN, ADN, RN
4,551 Posts
Very nice - you are a class act. How about giving each a card that say's what you have told us? It is nice to have it acknowledged as I am sure a lot of the aides never get that.
Good suggestion! I've been trying to think of something more tangible than a pat on the back that wasn't going too far--a card sounds about right. Maybe with a coupon for a cappucino or something...
That would be excellent. The words would mean more than the coffee to me, but I would love the treat also!
JentheRN05, RN
857 Posts
I feel the same way about my aides. If I didn't have them I'd be sunk. I try desperately not to abuse them in any way. I help them with their work when I have mine caught up.
What I did, right or wrong I don't know, is made a dozen candles, had a cloth lid attached with ribbon. I love making candles and find it therapeutic so this wasn't a problem. On top of each one I put a note with a picture of santa that said. "You are appreciated, Merry Christmas" and put them neatly back in the box they came in and printed up a slip of paper that said "to the aides, please take one"
I snuck into the aides 'ready room' for lack of a better term and sat them on the table.
No one knows that I did it, they will probably think it's the manager, but it doesn't matter, I just want them to know that they are appreciated :)
We have a staff meeting today wonder if anyone will mention it