Goals after Graduation


Hello All! I have finished my pre-requisites and my application for a nursing program has finally been sent in. I started pre-requisites May 2013 and finished in December 2014. Sometimes it is easy to get discouraged and second guess nursing as a career. Whether you're in nursing school or about to start, I think it's good to have a reward or goal set for yourself after graduation. My personal post-graduation goal is a trip to South America and a truck. :) As pre-nursing students and nursing students I think encouraging each other is crucial to getting through school. So, I have to ask. Nursing/pre-nursing students, what will be your post-graduation goal/reward? What drives you to keep going through school?

I look forward to reading everyone's responses and I hope this post gives all students some encouragement today!

Continuing education! My plan is to become a Certified Nurse Midwife so graduation means that I'm 2 years closer to my goal. It also means that I'll probably start working on baby #3 probably a year into my new job (maybe a boy finally???) lol.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Oncology.

For me, the thought that there's nothing in the world that could give me as much fulfillment as nursing keeps me going. It's been a really tough semester with 17 credits and 9-5 job, but I know that's just a taste of how hard nursing school can be. I'm going to be working nights as a medical scribe and days as a nursing student. Hopefully somewhere in between I'll find some time to sleep!

Seriously though, to me, nursing is one of the most impacting and admirable jobs a person can pursue. I feel privileged to even be studying amongst such strong people.

My graduation goal when I finish the program was to go on a cruise with my gf, and the day after graduation, me and my gf did in fact go on a cruise and it was amazing!. Now, as far as motivation during the program....well my motivation in school was to secure a career in a well respected profession and be able to give back to my community by helping others and help treat/ manage and educate people.

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